我正在使用React创建在线订餐,当餐厅关闭时,我需要禁用订餐,直到它再次开业。 如下所示: const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString("rs-RS");
const day = new Date().getDay();
if (day <= 5 && time < "08:00:00" && time > "23:30:00") {
} else if (day
我在Dialogflow上工作,我已经为我的意图设置了上下文,但不知道如何在Alexa中设置上下文 user: open demo bot
alexa: welcome! How can I help you?
User: update my name
Alexa: What's your name?
User: Jason
Alexa: your name is updated as Jason, Anything else?
user: John
Alexa: your name is updated as John, Anything else? 它应该会给出一个错误,但
SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = 'Andrew' ORDER BY age DESC
user_name, age , id
在这个db中,我们有30个相同的名称('Andrew')。我想按年龄订餐,如你所见,从1到10,然后从11到20,然后从21到30 .How。
我已经能够预订餐厅,我知道如何提取点餐所需的信息,但我不知道/完全理解的是获取这些信息的过程,以及餐厅能够在另一边看到它。例如,当我做餐厅预订时,餐厅可以看到预订的方式是在我连接到dialogflow代理的Google Calendar API上。
User: I'd like to buy a small Dark roast coffee
Bot: Okay, is that everything?
Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Invalid ->cf for profile condition
More information about this error
Debug info:
Error code: codingerror
Stack trace:
o line 120 of /availability/condition/profile/classes/condition.php: coding_ex
我试图安装PHP5.6在RHEL 7(物理机器)上使用yum。我安装了REMI存储库。
[root@localhost Sridhar_P]# yum repolist all
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