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    linux下连接windows2003 ppoe 服务器

    1,在CentOS6.3下用 /usr/sbin/pppd  pty "/usr/sbin/pptp publicip --nolaunchpppd" file /etc/ppp/options.pptp user user1 password password1 再用tail -f /var/log/messages看到log如下 Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pppd[2057]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0 Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pppd[2057]: Using interface ppp0 Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pppd[2057]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2 Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pptp[2058]: anon log[main:pptp.c:314]: The synchronous pptp option is NOT activated Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 1 'Start-Control-Connection-Request' Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:739]: Received Start Control Connection Reply Oct  8 03:25:41 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:773]: Client connection established. Oct  8 03:25:42 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 7 'Outgoing-Call-Request' Oct  8 03:25:42 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:858]: Received Outgoing Call Reply. Oct  8 03:25:42 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:897]: Outgoing call established (call ID 0, peer's call ID 19561). Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:950]: PPTP_SET_LINK_INFO received from peer_callid 0 Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:953]:   send_accm is 00000000, recv_accm is FFFFFFFF Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pptp[2066]: anon warn[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:956]: Non-zero Async Control Character Maps are not supported! Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pppd[2057]: CHAP authentication succeeded Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pppd[2057]: LCP terminated by peer (tM-+)^R^@<M-Mt^@^@^BM-f) Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:950]: PPTP_SET_LINK_INFO received from peer_callid 0 Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost pptp[2066]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:953]:   send_accm is FFFFFFFF, recv_accm is FFFFFFFF Oct  8 03:25:45 localhost


    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication across middleboxes

    Internet Draft                                                   B. Ford Document: draft-ford-midcom-p2p-01.txt                            M.I.T. Expires: April 27, 2004                                     P. Srisuresh                                                           Caymas Systems                                                                 D. Kegel                                                                kegel.com                                                             October 2003               Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication across middleboxes Status of this Memo    This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions    of Section 10 of RFC2026.  Internet-Drafts are working documents of    the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its    working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute working    documents as Internet-Drafts.    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months    and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any    time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference    material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at    http://www.ietf.org/1id-abstracts.html    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at    http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html    Distribution of this document is unlimited. Copyright Notice    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved. Abstract    This memo documents the methods used by the current peer-to-peer    (P2P) applications to communicate in the presence of middleboxes    such as firewalls and network address translators (NAT). In    addition, the memo suggests guidelines to application designers    and middlebox implementers on the measures they could take to    enable immediate, wide deployment of P2P applications with or    without requiring the use of special proxy, relay or midcom    protocols.   Ford, Srisuresh & Kegel
