我正在尝试使用带有mysql java连接器jar的NIFI构建一个坞映像。这是我的Dockerfile代码:
FROM apache/nifi:1.12.0
RUN mkdir /opt/nifi/nifi-current/custom-jar
WORKDIR /opt/nifi/nifi-current/custom-jar
RUN wget http://www.java2s.com/Code/JarDownload/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-bin.jar.zip
RUN unzip mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-bi
我正试图在我的AWS EC2实例上设置一个cron作业。crontab文件中的实际条目没有什么问题,但是当我试图在命令行中运行命令时,就会得到这个响应。
PHP Warning: include(../scripts/connect.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/htdocs/crons/emailnotifications.php on line 2
PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening '../scripts/connect.php
shell> groupadd mysql
shell> useradd -r -g mysql mysql
shell> cd /usr/local
shell> tar zxvf /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz
shell> ln -s full-path-to-mysql-VERSION-OS mysql
shell> cd mysql
shell> chown -R mys
我使用mysql/ mysql -server映像在docker中创建mysql服务器。因为我想自动设置我的数据库(添加用户,创建表),所以我已经创建了一个SQL文件。为了自动运行该脚本,我用这个dockerfile扩展了映像:
FROM mysql/mysql-server:latest
RUN mkdir /scripts
WORKDIR /scripts
COPY ./db_setup.sql .
RUN mysql -u root -p password < cat db_setup.sql
/bin/sh: cat: No such fil
mysql的版本是mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.53, for Win64 (AMD64)
mysql -uroot -proot DBinstance
select * from tablename\G INTO OUTFILE 'c:\users\12345\Downloads\some_non_existingfile'
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running
我试图从Debian 6的源代码编译MySQL 5.5.15,并使用了“老式”的方法:即在BUILD中运行autorun.sh,然后运行。/configure拥有相当多的选项,当我尝试启动这个过程时,我看到了如下所示:
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to
我尝试使用以下过程安装mysql 5.6.12
# Preconfiguration setup
shell> groupadd mysql
shell> useradd -r -g mysql mysql
# Beginning of source-build specific instructions
shell> tar zxvf mysql-VERSION.tar.gz
shell> cd mysql-VERSION
shell> cmake .
shell> make
shell> make install
# End of source-b
Warning: mysql_connect(): mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication. Please use an administration tool to reset your password with the command SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('your_existing_password'). This will store a new, and more secure, hash
# Dockerfile for the db service
FROM mysql/mysql-server:latest
RUN mkdir /scripts
WORKDIR /scripts
COPY ./db_setup.sql .
CMD ["mysql", "-u", "root", "-ppassword", "<", "/scripts/db_
set PATH=G:\xampp\perl\bin\;%PATH%
cd /d G:\xampp\mysql\scripts
perl mysqldumpslow.pl -s c -t 10
外壳程序返回错误can't locate strict.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .) at mysqldumpslow.pl at line 8. BEGIN failed
"errorType": "Runtime.HandlerNotFound",
"errorMessage": "index.handler is undefined or not exported"
const mysql = require('mysql&
我已经从http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/下载了通用的Linux64位Ubuntu5.6.17 TAR存档,并按照http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/binary-installation.html的说明安装在我的64位Ubuntu14.04上。
我在服务器上有一些问题,所以我想卸载并重新安装。但是,如果我尝试通常的apt-get remove mysql-server(按照如何卸载Mysql?),我会得到:
Package 'mysql-server' is not installed, so
新节点&在这里响应用户。我正在跟踪,但在我的Windows 10计算机上遇到了一个问题:
C:\Users\Wout>create-react-app my-app
Creating a new React app in C:\Users\Wout\my-app.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
npm ERR! path C:\Users\Wout\my-app\node_modules\a
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a
# /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service mysql restart
Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g.
我在开始我的项目时遇到了一个很大的问题,这个项目是从git克隆的。我尝试写"npm i",用于安装所有的packejest,然后开始写npm,但我看到一个错误。 The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"jest": "24.7.1"
Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically.
However, a di