function authenticate(userid, hash) mysql_client.query("SELECT `hash` FROM `auth` WHERE `userid` = " + userid, function selectCb(err, results, fields) { {
client.send("Errorcommunicating with mysql, please retry your req
我正在尝试使用,但是当我运行流浪条款时[2014-04-23T10:13:06+00:00] ERROR: could not find recipe ruby for cookbook mysqlExceptions::RecipeNotFoundcould not find recipe ruby for cookbook mysql我发现了这一点,然后添
例如,假设我想搜索一个客户端。假设这是一个非用户输入。即从脚本中逃跑。$client_search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `clients` WHERE `client_name LIKE '%".$_POST['key']."%' ORDER BY `client_name`") or die(mysql
I使用节点-查询生成器模块执行查询。我需要循环查询。dbConfig.getDB()返回连接以及为什么循环不等待查询执行 dbConfig.getDB().query(`SELECT id, full_name, email,mobile from frms WHERE status = ? AND email IS NOT NULL`, ['1'], async (err, respon
DECLARE client_database varchar(255);
CALL client_database.client_procedure(); --then trying to call the procedurewith the db schema variable however it's not
我正在尝试从终端从Ubuntu 20.04服务器连接到Azure Database for MySQL-Server。直到两天前,这一切都运行得很好。现在,当我按enter键时,显示mysql警告,但什么也没有发生: user@ubuntu2004:~$ mysql -uuser -ppassword [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can