我使用任务管理器和进程管理器获取了一个托管进程的转储文件。无论我使用什么,在使用visual studio 2010打开文件时,我都会得到转储摘要的描述:Error information: You cannotdebug a 64 bit dump of a 32 bit process, you must collect a 32 bit dump of a 32 bit process
我在MySQL的bit(16)字段中保留用户帐户的类型。对选定用户类型的所有查询都可以正常工作:SELECT * FROM users WHERE type & 8 -提供良好的结果。["type"]=> string(2) "" ...,所以它看起来很好。
我想输出以下格式:.... ... ...... ...... ......#..... is the content of each rowSTRING_FORMATTER = '{0:13}{1:18}{2:18}{3:30}{4:10}\n'
content = STRING_FORMATTER.format
If you are upgrading from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 it means we were not able to substitute for empty pluginto a new version please see the 'Upgrading MySQL' section from the MySQL manual