我想在dbForge sql窗口上运行SQL语句,但得到错误:select 's';错误:
1 You have anerror in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the rightsyntax to use near 'if (ifnull(null,'s
cte.Slug ORDER BY cte.Path
END 如何将此cte sp查询转换为mysql我想将我的sp更改为query,因为我要将asp.net核心应用程序数据库提供程序MSSQL更改为MySql服务器。但我无法将cte sp更改为普通sp查询。我的MySql服务器版本5.1.73 ?
对于mysql-5.7.30,以下循环语法似乎是无效的。mysql> SET @r = 6 -> WHILE @i <= @r DO -> PRINT @i
-> ENDERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQLmysql&g