破解我的问题,并需要帮助创建一个有效的MySQL DDL如下。我正在尝试加载一个文件,其中包含员工姓名、他们过去占据过的办公室以及他们的职务历史记录,用一个选项卡分隔开来。EmployeeName<tab>OfficeHistory<tab>JobLevelHistoryJohn Smith<tab>601<tab>Senior EngineerAlex But
create table if not exists info (`type_cpu` mediumint unsigned,`type_stroge` mediumint unsigned,`type_floor` mediumint unsigned,
`type_room` mediumint un
that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'BEGINDROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS sMachine;CREATE FUNCTION sMachine( sstore MEDIUMINT, smach MEDIUMINT ) DECLARE tid ME
我正在尝试使用以下两个查询之一创建连接表resort_season:resortID MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,seasonID MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,FOREIGN KEYseason (seasonID),);
-- Structure de la table `Etat` `idetat` mediumint---
-- Structure de la table `Facture` `idfacture` mediumint(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`idpaiement` mediumint(8