Linux发行版是Red。我正在使用LoadRunner Controller的System Resources Graphs - Unix Resources监视linux计数器。监测工作正常,并实时绘制图表。但几分钟后,错误就出现了:
Monitor name :UNIX Resources. Internal rpc error (error code:2).
Machine: Hint: Check that RPC on this machine is up and running.
Check that rstat daemon on this machin
Group 1: 3/30/2017 to present: status 'on'
Group 2: 3/30/2017 to present: status 'on'
Group 3: 3/30/2017 to present: status 'on'
Group 4: 3/30/2017 to 6/1/2017: status 'off'; 6/2/2017 to present: status: 'on'
Group 5: 3/30/2017 to pr