She didn't like it at all. I went to Susie's. She is playing."', '.'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('playing', 'VBG'), ('.', '.')]
如何将其更改为以下输出?', '<em
我有一个pandas数据框架,包含以下各列:['if', 'you', 'think', 'she', "'s", 'cute', 'now', ',', 'you', 'should', '第2列
if you think she 's cute now , you should have see her a coupl
我需要帮助找出我在我的excel工作簿中的VBA编码的正确措辞。目前,如果某个单元格包含单词"Fail“,当按下某个按钮时,我会将整行复制到另一个工作表中。我想将其更改为页面上的下一个单元格,如果包含任何单词,则移动整个行,而不管前一个单元格是说“通过”还是“失败”。 到目前为止,我的代码如下: a = Worksheets("Extinguisher").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If Worksheets("Extinguisher").Cells(i, 10).
house2 The memory we used to share is no longer coher...
3 Sheonly paints with bold colors; she does not...我有一组关键字: keywords = ["of","is","she"] 如何为每个关键字创建一个列,其中包含该关键字在我的dataframe的每句话中出现的次数?它看起来像这样:
我有如下数据:df = pd.DataFrame({'text':['she is a. good 15. year old girl. she goes to', 'she is not an A. level student. This needs to be discussed.']}),b.d .)'she is a. good 15. year old