hook little one one come give stuff let freshin ruff letsgolets hook start wont stop baby baby dontfreshin little one one ruff letsgolets hook start wont stop baby baby dont stop come give stuff letsone one ruff letsgo<
Creating a new React app in C:\Users\deep\Desktop\letsgo\myfirstreact.> core-js@2.6.11 postinstall C:\Users\deep\Desktop\letsgo\myfirstreact\node_modules\babel-
ChooseAxe, boolean ChooseBat) System.out.print("Tommy: Okay Sarah, Pick a weapon off the table and letsgo get the meds.response.equals("1")) ChooseAxe = true;
System.out.print("Tommy: Okay pick up the Axe and letsgo
answer = input ("Wanna go explore?OPTIONS : Yes or No") print("Awww, come on, don't be like that, letsgo!")Letsgo!") print("Whats that? I couldn't hear you!")
|A: Lets me show you.", "A: How do you think about it?!|B: It's not bad|A: Thank you.Lets hangaround|B: or maybe we can go for a drink."]
我想将信息提取到两个单独的列表中,每个列表包含A和B的内容。, 'A: Lets me show you.', 'A: How do you think about it?!
我有一个很长的列表,上面有这样的标记: a_lis = [['hi how are you'],['cool letsgo to the restaurant我想用逗号分隔每个标记或术语,如下所示(*): a_lis = [['hi', 'how', 'are', 'you'],
['im', 'fine', 'thanks'