我使用的是VBA的While...Wend循环。Dim count as Integer
''What should be thestatement to break the While...Wend loop?''Break or Exit While not workingWend
我很难挣脱出循环。这是我的密码 if (dem_arr[randx, randy] > -100): while stack:print 'ticker ticked'
#if in this for loop need to break out of whilerow-1) #array begins at position 0
我想知道是否有人可以帮我弄清楚如何完全跳出我的while循环,继续我程序的其余部分。谢谢!import time company_name = input("\nWhat is the name of your company?Please try again") while True:
verify_name = input("\nPlease v
当if语句中的值大于0时,我需要中断while循环和if语句,反过来,代码应该从while循环中断。it('x Accordion description should appear after 5 seconds upon being clicked', function(done){ //setTimeout(don