尝试使用ibmcom/websphere-liberty:full-java8-ibmjava-ubi (RHEL8.2 8.2)作为构建器映像并尝试安装ant但没有成功Updating Subscription Management repositories.No match for argument: ant
Error: Unable to find a match: ant```
当我试图通过这个命令添加平台时,cordova平台添加android,我得到了以下错误请给我一些建议,我该如何修理它。q.js: 126 ^ Error: ERROR : executing command 'ant', make sure you have ant installed and add ed to your path.
在Windows8cmd中调用cordova platform add android时,抛出错误消息ERROR : executing command 'ant', make sure you haveant installed and added to your path。我还安装了ant,并将ant、Android工具和Android平台工具添加到用户路径系统变量中。以下是当前PATH变量: