我正在使用回调钩子来停止渲染组件,这些组件在每个渲染中都是由于作为道具传递的函数的更改而更改的。在这里,我向incrementSalary和incrementAge添加了回调钩子。但是,eslint会抛出以下错误: Line 10:76: ReactHook useCallback has an unnecessary dependency: 'age'.Hook useCallback has an unnecessary dependency: 'salary
以下组件(尽管是人为的)违反了react钩子/规则的钩子(通过eslint) const {seeds} = props;
if(!Hook "useState" is called conditionally.React Hooks must be called in the exact same order in every component render.Did you accidentally call a ReactH
Spinner>) : (<Text color={useColorModeValue('gray.800', 'gray.400')>Hi</Text) }
但是IDE警告我这一点:ESLint: ReactHook "useColorModeValue" is called conditionally.React Hooks must be called in the exact same order in every component re