在JenkinsPipeline中使用parallel关键字并行(多节点设置)运行作业时,各个节点的输出是交错的。示例输出如下所示。是否可以对其进行过滤,以便只显示单个节点的控制台输出,而不必深入研究管道步骤?[1] Running on BD_SLED12_x86_64-01 in /tmp/jenkins/workspace/ScOSA/continuous/ScOSA_System
pipeline { // this image provides everything needed to run Cypress image// on local Jenkins machine (assuming port 8080) see
// http://localhost:8080/pipeline-syntax'Stopping local s
动态地构建一个并行步骤,这将给我后面解释的功能。Foo:运行并行和舒适的等待:)* Build process among the P’s can be shared and I can generate someIt requires me to do a lot more with Scripted Pipeline, which looks like the support of BlueOceanseems that BlueOcean is more sup