(itemIndex)) { if (!...= IndexOf(item); if (itemIndex >= 0) { Swap(itemIndex, m_items.Count - 1); m_items.RemoveAt...) { return itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < m_items.Count; } void Swap(int index1, int index2) {...) { if (IsValidIndex(itemIndex)) { var itemCountIndex = itemIndex + 1; // first check...[itemIndex])) { Swap(childIndexLeft, itemIndex); itemIndex = childIndexLeft
= null); final int itemIndex = _indexToItemIndex(index); assert(itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex <= _...for (_ActiveItem item in _incomingItems) { if (item.itemIndex >= itemIndex) item.itemIndex...+= 1; } for (_ActiveItem item in _outgoingItems) { if (item.itemIndex >= itemIndex) item.itemIndex...; @override int compareTo(_ActiveItem other) => itemIndex - other.itemIndex; } 可以看得出来,这其实就是一个包装类...) { final int i = binarySearch(items, _ActiveItem.index(itemIndex)); return i == -1 ?
0 for itemIndex in 0.....<itemsCount { let indexPath = IndexPath(item: itemIndex, section: 0) let attributes =...* kEmotionCellRow) // 通过一系列计算, 得到x, y值 let x = itemSize.width * CGFloat(itemIndex %...0 for itemIndex in 0.....= UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes(forCellWith: indexPath) page = itemIndex
images/mainTab_item03_up.png - images/mainTab_item04_up.png 定义 item 相关数据 // 被点击 item 下标 int _itemIndex...* */ AppBar _initTop(BuildContext context){ return AppBar( title: Text(_pageNameList[_itemIndex...} /** * 初始化中间区域 * */ Widget _initContent(BuildContext context){ return _pageList[_itemIndex..._getItemText(3) ), ], type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed, currentIndex: _itemIndex...} /** * 初始化中间区域 * */ Widget _initContent(BuildContext context){ return _pageList[_itemIndex
mItems.get(itemIndex) : null; } else { ii = addNewItem(pos, itemIndex..., itemIndex); itemIndex++; extraWidthRight += ii.widthFactor...ItemInfo ii = itemIndex >= 0 ?...itemIndex 0) { itemIndex--; ii = mItems.get(itemIndex
fileprivate let lxfFlag: Int = 666 extension UITabBar { // MARK:- 显示小红点 func showBadgOn(index itemIndex...: Int, tabbarItemNums: CGFloat = 4.0) { // 移除之前的小红点 self.removeBadgeOn(index: itemIndex...) // 创建小红点 let bageView = UIView() bageView.tag = itemIndex + lxfFlag...: Int) { // 移除小红点 self.removeBadgeOn(index: itemIndex) } // MARK:- 移除小红点...{ if $0.tag == itemIndex + lxfFlag { $0.removeFromSuperview()
'block' : 'none' }} key={itemIndex} > <FormItem label={field.label}...'block' : 'none' }} key={itemIndex} > <FormItem label={field.label}...'block' : 'none' }} key={itemIndex} > <FormItem label={field.label}...'block' : 'none' }} key={itemIndex} > <FormItem label={field.label}...'block' : 'none' }} key={itemIndex} > <FormItem label={field.label}
--; ii = itemIndex >= 0 ?..., itemIndex); itemIndex++; extraWidthRight += ii.widthFactor...; ii = itemIndex ii.position && itemIndex < mItems.size() - 1) { itemIndex++;...&& itemIndex > 0) { itemIndex--; ii = mItems.get(itemIndex
input': return ( <Col {...ResponseLayout} style={{ display: itemIndex...select': return ( <Col {...ResponseLayout} style={{ display: itemIndex...cascader': return ( <Col {...ResponseLayout} style={{ display: itemIndex...dayPicker': return ( <Col {...ResponseLayout} style={{ display: itemIndex...radio': return ( <Col {...ResponseLayout} style={{ display: itemIndex
* --指定Item的索引,从1开始,即第一个Item的itemIndex=1 */ public void setTextColor2Item(int color, int itemIndex...) { if (color < 0 || itemIndex < 1 || itemIndex mList.size()) { return; } mList.get(itemIndex - 1)....listener, int itemIndex) { if (listener == null || itemIndex < 1 || itemIndex mList.size()) { return...= mList) { mList.get(itemIndex - 1).setOnClickListener(listener); if (itemIndex == mList.size()) { isSetOnClickListener2LastItem...} /** * 为最后两个Item设置点击监听 * * @param listener * @param itemIndex * --指定Item的索引,从1开始,即第一个Item的itemIndex
不过我们可以通过它所带的一些参数来间接得到序号,下面来看看怎样得到和显示序号值计算方式如下: (1)在后台 DataGrid.CurrentPageIndex * DataGrid.PageSize + e.Item.ItemIndex...="序号2"> <asp:Label ID="<em>itemIndex</em>...) { return (DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex * DataGrid1.PageSize + <em>itemIndex</em> + 1); } private void DataGrid1...+ 1).ToString(); e.Item.Cells[1].Text = (dg.CurrentPageIndex * dg.PageSize + e.Item.<em>ItemIndex</em> + 1)....")).Text = (dg.CurrentPageIndex * dg.PageSize + e.Item.ItemIndex + 1).ToString(); } } } } 数据层代码如下:
. */ if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir)) { if (++so->currPos.itemIndex > so->currPos.lastItem) {..._bt_steppage(scan, dir)) return false; } } /* OK, itemIndex says what to return */ currItem...* itemIndex is a cursor showing which entry was last returned to caller. */ int firstItem; /...* first valid index in items[] */ int lastItem; /* last valid index in items[] */ int itemIndex...= 0 '\000', moreRight = 1 '\001', nextTupleOffset = 48, firstItem = 0, lastItem = 0, itemIndex
然后最终返回了一个 ListView,我们可以去看一下这个 children: final List children = []; for (int itemIndex...= 0; itemIndex < route.items.length; ++itemIndex) { CurvedAnimation opacity; if (itemIndex == route.selectedIndex...(parent: route.animation, curve: const Threshold(0.0)); } else { final double start = (0.5 + (itemIndex...child: InkWell( child: Container( padding: widget.padding, child: route.items[itemIndex...), onTap: () => Navigator.pop( context, _DropdownRouteResult(route.items[itemIndex
/** 删除图片 */ deleteImv: function (e) { var imgArr = this.data.imgArr; var itemIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.id...; imgArr.splice(itemIndex, 1); this.setData({ imgArr: imgArr }) //判断是否隐藏选择图片...}) } }, /** 显示图片 */ showImage: function (e) { var imgArr = this.data.imgArr; var itemIndex...= e.currentTarget.dataset.id; wx.previewImage({ current: imgArr[itemIndex], // 当前显示图片的http
代码如下: //以下是methods的一个方法: inVal(event,valIndex,itemIndex,condIndex,groupIndex){ let inValue=this.objDeepCopy...event.target.value.split("|")) this.settingList[groupIndex]['condition'][condIndex]['value'][itemIndex
) { if (currentItem == itemIndex) { return; } int viewActivePaddingTop...) { View view = viewList.get(itemIndex).findViewById(R.id.bottom_navigation_container...).getX() + viewList.get(itemIndex).getWidth() / 2; int centerY = viewList.get(itemIndex...= null) mViewPager.setCurrentItem(itemIndex); if (onBottomNavigationItemClickListener...= itemIndex; } /** * Creates a connection between this navigation view and a ViewPager
GetStandardStream(1).Write(GetObject('winmgmts:').ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory').ItemIndex...Write^(GetObject^(^'winmgmts:^'^).ExecQuery^(^'Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory^'^).ItemIndex...GetStandardStream(1).Write(GetObject('winmgmts:').ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory').ItemIndex...piped %beginJS% GetObject('winmgmts:').ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory').ItemIndex...'%beginJS% GetObject('winmgmts:').ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory').ItemIndex
: Int) { self.selectedIndex = itemIndex } } 2.创建自定义的标签栏MainTabBarView,其关键代码如下: //自定义标签栏代理协议...protocol MainTabBarDelegate { func didChooseItem(itemIndex:Int) } class MainTabBarView: UIView...//创建Item视图 let itemView = MainTabBarItem(frame: itemFrame, itemDic:itemDic, itemIndex...didChooseItem(itemIndex: item.tag) } } 3.自定义的标签栏ItemView视图 class MainTabBarItem: UIControl {...var imgTop:CGFloat = 3 var imgWidth:CGFloat = 25 //中间的按钮的布局参数做特殊处理 if itemIndex
var idsToReuse = GetIdsToReuse(html.ViewContext.HttpContext, collectionName); var itemIndex...name=\"{0}.index\" autocomplete=\"off\" value=\"{1}\" />", collectionName, html.Encode(itemIndex...)); return BeginHtmlFieldPrefixScope(html, string.Format("{0}[{1}]", collectionName, itemIndex...var idsToReuse = GetIdsToReuse(html.ViewContext.HttpContext, collectionName); var itemIndex...idsToReuse.Dequeue() : Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string htmlFieldPrefix = $"{collectionName}[{itemIndex
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