我总是在拉之前做git status。我总是有这样的照片:Your branch is behind 'origin/6.0-rfc ' by 5 commits, and can be fast-forwarded(use "git pull" to update your local branch)但是,我如何查看这5个提交,例如,是谁创建了它们,哪些文件被更改了等等?
我正在尝试将文件推送到GitHub main repo,因为主分支名被更改为main,但是在git init >和git远程添加>作为git初始化了本地的主分支之后,error: src refspec main does not match any.
error: failed to push some refsto 'origin</
消息(下面)告诉我,我的master分支被重命名为main。但我在远程main存储库中没有看到任何origin分支。消息示例...remote: Heads up!The branch 'master' that you pushed to was renamed to 'main'.我已经检查了我所能想到的所有东西,并且在原点上没有main分支下
I cd将进入目录,然后在终端中使用以下命令:git add file1.csvgit remote add origin<Github url from Quick Setup page>我犯了以下错误:
error: src refspec main does notfailed to push some