路径字符串的处理 取目录部分: dirname ${FULLPATH} 取文件名部分: basename ${FULLPATH} 取文件名部分,并且去掉指定的扩展名: basename {FULLPATH..."$FULLPATH" .gz backup.tar [user@psvmc ~]# basename "$FULLPATH" .tar backup.tar.gz [user@psvmc ~]#...basename "$FULLPATH" .tar.gz backup 取目录部分: ${FULLPATH%/*} # 或者 dirname "$FULLPATH" 取文件名称: FILE=${...FULLPATH##*/} # 或者 basename "$FULLPATH" 取最短基本名称: ${FILE%%.*} 取最长基本名称: ${FILE%.*} 取最短扩展名: ${FILE##*...} # 或者 ${FULLPATH##*.} 取最长扩展名: ${FILE#*.} # 或者 ${FULLPATH#*.}
out.fullpath = urlin; pos = urlin.find('?'...(); i++) { if (out.fullpath[i] == ':') { childs[idx] = out.fullpath.substr(lastpos...= out.fullpath.substr(out.prot.length() + 3); pos = fullpath.find('/'); if (pos >= 0) {...out.host = fullpath.substr(0, pos); out.path = fullpath.substr(pos); }else if (pos = fullpath.find...('\\') >= 0) { out.host = fullpath.substr(0, pos); out.path = fullpath.substr(pos);
1、首页(index.ftl) 遍历输出首页的文章: 上一篇:${prevPost.title!}...> 上一篇:${nextPost.title!}...c} ${post.title!}... 标签: 标签:${tag.name!}
reverse as post> ${post.title!}...reverse as post> ${post.title!}...下的文章: ${post.title!}...c}"> <a href="${tag.<em>fullPath</em>!}"
= 0) return(ret); ptr = fullpath + strlen(fullpath); /* point to end of fullpath */ *ptr++ = '/'...; *ptr = 0; if ((dp = opendir(fullpath)) == NULL) /* can't read directory */ return(func(fullpath...(func)); } /* * Descend through the hierarchy, starting at "fullpath"...= 0) return(ret); ptr = fullpath + strlen(fullpath); /* point to end of fullpath */ *ptr++ = '/'...; *ptr = 0; if ((dp = opendir(fullpath)) == NULL) /* can't read directory */ return(func(fullpath
dubbo-go-proxy/pkg/router/route.go // FindAPI returns the api that meets the func (rt *Route) FindAPI(fullPath...string, httpverb config.HTTPVerb) (*router.API, bool) { if n, found := rt.findNode(fullPath); found...method, ok := n.methods[httpverb]; ok { return &router.API{ URLPattern: n.fullPath...string) (*Node, bool) { lowerPath := strings.ToLower(fullPath) var n interface{} var found...(string), fullPath) != nil { n, ok := rt.wildcardTree.Get(p) return n.
{//去掉.和..这两步 $fullpath = $dir . "/" ....$file;//看目录下是不是文件 if (is_dir($fullpath)) {//如果是目录的话 delFileByDir($fullpath);//...递归(从内往外删除) } else { unlink($fullpath); } } } closedir
FullPath = GetName(FullPath) i = VBA.InStrRev(FullPath, ".")...If i Then GetExt = VBA.Mid$(FullPath, i + 1) Else GetExt = "" End If End Function...Private Function GetName(ByVal FullPath As String) As String Dim i As Long i = VBA.InStrRev...(FullPath, "\") If i Then GetName = VBA.Mid$(FullPath, i + 1) Else GetName...= FullPath End If End Function Private Function GetExtByBin(dbPath As String) As String Dim
return readdirPromise(dir).then(files => Promise.all(files.map(fn => { const fullpath...= path.join(dir, fn); const realpath = path.relative(basedir, fullpath);...return statPromise(fullpath).then(stats => { if (stats.isDirectory()) {...return collect(fullpath); } const file = new File(realpath,
dir') pathes = os.listdir(_path) print('pathes='+str(pathes)) for i in range(len(pathes)): fullpath...= _path+SPLIT_CHAR+pathes[i] print('fullpath='+fullpath) if os.path.isfile(fullpath): names.append...(fullpath) files.append(open(fullpath).read().split('\n')) ''' print(len(names)) line_num...= _path+SPLIT_CHAR+pathes[i] print('fullpath='+fullpath) if os.path.isfile(fullpath): names.append...(fullpath) else: print('is nothing') print(len(names)) # 日期格式 : 05-26 18:20:42.093 r'\d{4}-\
/]*$"); private static String getJarFileName(String fullPath) { int lastIndex = fullPath.lastIndexOf...(".jar"); Matcher matcher = JAR_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(fullPath.substring(0, lastIndex + 4)); if.../]*$"); private static String getJarFileName(String fullPath) { int lastIndex = fullPath.lastIndexOf...(".jar"); Matcher matcher = JAR_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(fullPath.substring(0, lastIndex + 4));...matcher.group(1); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is not a jar file: " + fullPath
=os.path.join(root,filename) mtime=float(os.path.getmtime(fullPath)) if fullPath...[fullPath]=float(mtime) remotePath=fullPath.replace(os.path.join(currentPath,pathname...),'/blog/'+remotePre) upload(remotePath,fullPath) else:...lastChange[fullPath]=float(mtime) remotePath=fullPath.replace(os.path.join(currentPath...,pathname),'/blog/'+remotePre) upload(remotePath,fullPath) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join
urlitem { public: urlitem() { } //std::string url; std::string fullpath...(); i++) { if (out.fullpath[i] == ':') { childs[idx] = out.fullpath.substr(lastpos...= out.fullpath.substr(out.prot.length() + 3); pos = fullpath.find('/'); if (pos >= 0) {...out.host = fullpath.substr(0, pos); out.path = fullpath.substr(pos); } else if (pos =...fullpath.find('\\') >= 0) { out.host = fullpath.substr(0, pos); out.path = fullpath.substr
{ try { WriteLog(String.Format("File: {0} Created", e.FullPath...)); this.BeginInvoke(new UpdateWatchTextDelegate(UpdateWatchText), "文件" + e.FullPath + "被创建"); ...e.ChangeType.ToString())); this.BeginInvoke(new UpdateWatchTextDelegate(UpdateWatchText), "文件" + e.FullPath... WriteLog(String.Format("File renamed from {0} to {1}", e.OldName, e.FullPath...)); this.BeginInvoke(new UpdateWatchTextDelegate(UpdateWatchText), "文件" + e.OldName + "被重命名为" + e.FullPath
设置 router-view 的 key 属性值为 $route.fullPath // 从 /page...id=2, 由于这两个路由的 $route.fullPath 并不一样, 所以组件被强制不复用。...// 相关钩子加载顺序为:beforeRouteUpdate => created => mounted // 个人理解: // 在中,通过绑定一个fullPath,可以识别当前页面路由的完整地址,当地 // 址发生改变(包括参数改变)则重新渲染页面(例如动态路由参数的变化) 深度监听$route的变化 进行初始化操作 很简单就不多说了
{ if (node.IsExpanded) { NodesStatus[node.FullPath...} else { NodesStatus.Remove(node.FullPath...if (node.IsSelected) { SelectNodeFullPath = node.FullPath...{ foreach (TreeNode node in nodes) { if (NodesStatus[node.FullPath...null) { node.Expand(); } if (node.FullPath
* @param str * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean isIncludeStr(String fullPath,...isIncludeStrs(String fullPath, List strs) throws Exception { boolean result = false; ...= path + "/" + list[i]; file = new File(fullPath); //判断是文件还是目录 if (file.isFile()) ...{ if (isIncludeStrs(fullPath, checkList)) { //既包含了类名,又包含方法名,则表示该方法,铁定被使用了 return...0; } else if (isIncludeStr(fullPath, codeName)) { //调用了方法,且没有找到类,则无法确定 result
= path_alloc(&len); /* malloc's for PATH_MAX+1 bytes */ strncpy(fullpath, pathname, len); /...* protect against */ fullpath[len-1] = 0; /* buffer overrun */ return(dopath(func)...if ((ret = func(fullpath, &statbuf, FTW_D)) !...= 0) return(ret); ptr = fullpath + strlen(fullpath); /* point to end of fullpath */...return(func(fullpath, &statbuf, FTW_DNR)); while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) !
= os.path.join("/home/", entry) if os.path.isdir(fullPath): rcfile = fullPath+"/.bashrc" rcprofile...= fullPath + "/.bash_profile" rclogout = fullPath + "/.bash_logout" if os.path.isfile(rcfile)...= os.path.join("/home/", entry) if os.path.isdir(fullPath): xstartup = fullPath+"/.config/autostart...= os.path.join("/home/", entry) if os.path.isdir(fullPath): usersystemd = fullPath+"/.config/systemd...= os.path.join("/home/", entry) if os.path.isdir(fullPath): usertmpfiles = fullPath+"/.config/
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