import math
def rotate_point(cx, cy, px, py, angle):
""" Rotate a point around a center by an angle. """
s = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
c = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
px -= cx
py -= cy
xnew = px * c - py * s
ynew = px * s + py * c
px = xnew + cx
py = ynew + cy
return px, py
def get_rotated_bounding_box(cx, cy, w, h, angle):
""" Get the bounding box of a rotated rectangle. """
points = [
(-w/2, -h/2), (w/2, -h/2), (w/2, h/2), (-w/2, h/2)
rotated_points = [rotate_point(cx, cy, px, py, angle) for px, py in points]
min_x = min(px for px, _ in rotated_points)
max_x = max(px for px, _ in rotated_points)
min_y = min(py for _, py in rotated_points)
max_y = max(py for _, py in rotated_points)
return min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y
def fit_rectangle_in_bbox(cx, cy, w, h, bbox):
""" Find the maximum size of a rotated rectangle that fits within a bounding box. """
min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = bbox
best_w, best_h = 0, 0
for angle in range(0, 360, 10): # Check every 10 degrees
min_x_rot, min_y_rot, max_x_rot, max_y_rot = get_rotated_bounding_box(cx, cy, w, h, angle)
if min_x_rot >= min_x and max_x_rot <= max_x and min_y_rot >= min_y and max_y_rot <= max_y:
best_w = max_x_rot - min_x_rot
best_h = max_y_rot - min_y_rot
return best_w, best_h
# Example usage
bbox = (0, 0, 10, 10) # Bounding box coordinates (left, top, right, bottom)
cx, cy = 5, 5 # Center of the rectangle
w, h = 6, 4 # Width and height of the rectangle
best_w, best_h = fit_rectangle_in_bbox(cx, cy, w, h, bbox)
print(f"Best width: {best_w}, Best height: {best_h}")
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