我很难理解如何求解大O-表示法方程,比如这个:Show that f(n) is O(g(n)) 上面写着To show f(n) is O(g(n)) we must show constants c and k such that f(n) <= cg(n) for all n >=k我不明白的是:
We are allowed to choose c and k to be integers we want as long as th
我有一个ILP问题,其中我表达了一些约束来实现A或B,其中A和B是逻辑与的结果(假设A= A1和A2,B= B1和B2和B3)。在我的问题的这一点上,A和B之间的1被认为等于1。A和B都是二元变量。if (A == true) C_OR_D >= C; C_OR_D <= C + D;else /* or i