我正在尝试将.bak文件从谷歌云存储导入到云sql中,并得到以下错误 generic::invalid_argument: execution of restore command failed with error: {mssql: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.} Known Issue: presizeDiskForImportHelper: Error doing disk presize check with error: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while
我有一个云函数(fce_a),我需要从同一个GCP项目和区域中的另一个云函数(fce_b)调用它。当我将fce_a设置为Allow all traffic (在Ingress settings中)时,它可以完美地工作(使用this method)。但是,当我将fce_a设置为Allow internal traffic only (在Ingress settings中)时,我得到的是Error 403 (Forbidden) 403. That's an error. Access is forbidden. That's all we know. (提到的here)。 我尝