play.sbt.PlayExceptions$CompilationException: Compilation error[Overloaded method value [-] cannot be applied to (AnyValdiffFun) //works totally fine 集成开发环境显示zippedSubs(dims.dimension_name).trim.toDoubleOption.getOrElse(0)的类型为
我想知道,为什么在isInstanceOf检查中不能使用AnyVal?这种行为背后的原因是什么?scala> val c = 't'<console>:12: error: type AnyVal cannotbe used in a type pattern or isInstanceO c.isI
scala> def b(x:Int) = { x match { case 1 => 1; case 2 => 3.5; case k => throw new Exception("Nothing")}} scala> def c(x: Int) = if (x == 1) 1 else if (x == 2) 3.5 else throw new Exception("Nothing")这就
如何在scala中定义值类class Wrapper(val underlying: Int) extends AnyVal/usr/home/User/scala2/scala_lerning/src3/val.scala:1: error: value class may not be a member of another class
class W