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    Apache Hadoop是一种开源软件框架,能够对分布式集群上的大数据集进行高吞吐量处理。Apache模块包括Hadoop Common,这是一组常见的实用工具,可以通过模块来运行。这些模块还包括:Hadoop分布式文件系统(HDFS)、用于任务调度和集群资源管理的 Hadoop YARN以及Hadoop MapReduce,后者是一种基于YARN的系统,能够并行处理庞大的数据集。   Apache还提供了另外的开源软件,可以在Hadoop上运行,比如分析引擎Spark(它也能独立运行)和编程语言Pig。   Hadoop 之所以广受欢迎,就是因为它为使用大众化硬件处理大数据提供了一种几乎没有限制的环境。添加节点是个简单的过程,对这个框架没有任何负面影响。 Hadoop具有高扩展性,能够从单单一台服务器灵活扩展到成千上万台服务器,每个集群运行自己的计算和存储资源。Hadoop在应用程序层面提供了高可用性,所以集群硬件可以是现成的。   实际的使用场合包括:在线旅游(Hadoop声称它是80%的网上旅游预订业务的可靠的大数据平台)、批量分析、社交媒体应用程序提供和分析、供应链优化、移动数据管理、医疗保健及更多场合。   它有什么缺点吗? Hadoop很复杂,需要大量的员工时间和扎实的专业知识,这就阻碍了它在缺少专业IT人员的公司企业的采用速度。由于需要专家级管理员,加上广泛分布的集群方面需要庞大的成本支出,从中获得商业价值也可能是个挑战。I   集群管理也可能颇为棘手。虽然Hadoop统一了分布式计算,但是配备和管理另外的数据中心、更不用说与远程员工打交道,增添了复杂性和成本。结果就是,Hadoop集群可能显得过于孤立。


    hadoop记录 - 乐享诚美

    RDBMS Hadoop Data Types RDBMS relies on the structured data and the schema of the data is always known. Any kind of data can be stored into Hadoop i.e. Be it structured, unstructured or semi-structured. Processing RDBMS provides limited or no processing capabilities. Hadoop allows us to process the data which is distributed across the cluster in a parallel fashion. Schema on Read Vs. Write RDBMS is based on ‘schema on write’ where schema validation is done before loading the data. On the contrary, Hadoop follows the schema on read policy. Read/Write Speed In RDBMS, reads are fast because the schema of the data is already known. The writes are fast in HDFS because no schema validation happens during HDFS write. Cost Licensed software, therefore, I have to pay for the software. Hadoop is an open source framework. So, I don’t need to pay for the software. Best Fit Use Case RDBMS is used for OLTP (Online Trasanctional Processing) system. Hadoop is used for Data discovery, data analytics or OLAP system. RDBMS 与 Hadoop



    RDBMS Hadoop Data Types RDBMS relies on the structured data and the schema of the data is always known. Any kind of data can be stored into Hadoop i.e. Be it structured, unstructured or semi-structured. Processing RDBMS provides limited or no processing capabilities. Hadoop allows us to process the data which is distributed across the cluster in a parallel fashion. Schema on Read Vs. Write RDBMS is based on ‘schema on write’ where schema validation is done before loading the data. On the contrary, Hadoop follows the schema on read policy. Read/Write Speed In RDBMS, reads are fast because the schema of the data is already known. The writes are fast in HDFS because no schema validation happens during HDFS write. Cost Licensed software, therefore, I have to pay for the software. Hadoop is an open source framework. So, I don’t need to pay for the software. Best Fit Use Case RDBMS is used for OLTP (Online Trasanctional Processing) system. Hadoop is used for Data discovery, data analytics or OLAP system. RDBMS 与 Hadoop
