城市ID | 时间点 | 得分维度 | 得分
C001 | T0 | 经济 | 70
C001 | T0 | 环境 | 60
C001 | T1 | 经济 | 80
C001 | T1 | 环境 | 70
C002 | T0 | 经济 | 65
C002 | T0 | 环境 | 55
C002 | T1 | 经济 | 75
C002 | T1 | 环境 | 65
data = [
{"city_id": "C001", "time_point": "T0", "dimension": "经济", "score": 70},
{"city_id": "C001", "time_point": "T0", "dimension": "环境", "score": 60},
{"city_id": "C001", "time_point": "T1", "dimension": "经济", "score": 80},
{"city_id": "C001", "time_point": "T1", "dimension": "环境", "score": 70},
{"city_id": "C002", "time_point": "T0", "dimension": "经济", "score": 65},
{"city_id": "C002", "time_point": "T0", "dimension": "环境", "score": 55},
{"city_id": "C002", "time_point": "T1", "dimension": "经济", "score": 75},
{"city_id": "C002", "time_point": "T1", "dimension": "环境", "score": 65},
score_changes = {}
for entry in data:
key = (entry["city_id"], entry["dimension"])
if key not in score_changes:
score_changes[key] = {"T0": None, "T1": None}
score_changes[key][entry["time_point"]] = entry["score"]
for key, scores in score_changes.items():
if scores["T0"] is not None and scores["T1"] is not None:
change = scores["T1"] - scores["T0"]
print(f"城市 {key[0]} 在 {key[1]} 维度的得分提升了 {change}")
max_change = 0
max_change_info = {}
for key, scores in score_changes.items():
if scores["T0"] is not None and scores["T1"] is not None:
change = scores["T1"] - scores["T0"]
if change > max_change:
max_change = change
max_change_info = key
print(f"最高得分提升出现在城市 {max_change_info[0]} 的 {max_change_info[1]} 维度,提升了 {max_change}")
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