我知道在Facebook API的最新更新中,有可能提供一个使用app_secret签名的访问令牌的appsecret_proof。
现在的问题是,不管我在我的facebook应用程序上设置了什么选项(启用\禁用:Require AppSecret Proof for Server API calls),我总是得到:
Invalid appsecret_proof provided in the API argument
if (isset($params['access_toke
(OAuthException) client_secret不应传递给/oauth/access_client_secret/
string appId = "99999999"; // Long number - Given by FB in my application page
string appSecret = "98907kjlhkh908098"; // // Long string- Given by FB in my
我在我的iframe Facebook应用程序中有以下代码
/* include the PHP Facebook Client Library to help
with the API calls and make life easy */
require_once 'facebook.php';
$appapikey = 'key here';
$appsecret = 'secret here';
$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
// Note: FbApp is set outside of this code (var FbApp = new FacebookApp();)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FbApp.AccessToken)) {
var oauthClient = new FacebookOAuthClient() {
AppId = FbApp.AppId, AppSecret = FbApp.AppSecret,
RedirectUri = new Uri("http://www.mysite.com/")
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'connectionFactoryLocator' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/social/config/annotation/SocialConfiguration.class]: Bean instantiation via fact
我一直在为某件事而挣扎,我似乎错过了什么。我想使用我的Facebook / appsecret将事件发布到Facebook。事件应该由应用程序拥有,而不是由任何用户拥有。我试着这样做:
var fc = new FacebookClient();
fc.AppId = "myappid";
fc.AppSecret = "myappsecret";
//get a token
dynamic result = fc.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = fc.AppId,