我正试着从一张大桌子上得到5%的随机样本。table database.five_percent_table as select * from (select distinct id from database.customer_list) whererand() <= 0.05 and month = 06;
在涉及聚合的MySql select语句中,是否可以选择--只选择--按列分组,而不使用聚合?基本上,我希望在子查询中根据基于聚合的标准来选择I,在本例中是对客户端的总支付:
select idclient, business_name from client where idclient in但这在错误Operand should contain 1 column(s)中失败,因
Delete From StudentTb Where StudentType in (1, 2) and StudentI not in Select lg.StudentI From StudentLogDelete From StudentTb Where StudentType in (1, 2) ( Where
当我试图在我的decode语句中使用select的别名时,我遇到了标题中所述的错误。ziplist z, racctlgl rl, WHEREWHEN ah.amount BETWEEN lcc.cost_range_min AND lcc.cost_range_max THEN 2 END, ah.amount;