我的主题是“使用类扩展隐藏私有信息”(pdf第73页),它说:Class extensions are often used to extend the publicIt’s common, for example, to define a property as readonly in the interface, but as readwrite in a classextension declared above the implementation, in order that t
我想在我的目标-C代码中使用一个C++字符串对象,而不是一个NSString,这样我就不需要隐藏它(我更经常需要std::string ),我尝试这样做:string* trackName; // also tried using std::string, didn't work
@property(nonatomic, a
假设我想根据DataContext属性的值显示/隐藏元素,我如何才能获得它?// In MainWindow.xaml.cs: DataContext of MainWindow.xaml在XAML中,我想显示基于Mode的隐藏元素。或者,实现这一目标的适当方式是什么?'Mode‘在'StackPanel’类型中没有发现。