我对我的数据库使用PostgreSQL,并使用双引号文字来映射pascalcase中的表的列。; return id; public void setId(Long id) {
this.id" was not found in this ResultSet.有人能解释一下我的代码中哪里出了问题吗?提前谢谢你。" was not found in this
private String name" was not found in this ResultSet.at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdb
要参考的列名由用户通过终结点的正文发送。我创建的查询如下:SELECT :selection FROM myScheme.myTableString selection = "d.idString name;}The column name email was not found in this ResultSet更新
在春季尝试访问Postgres时,我收到错误消息"The column name note_id I not found in this ResultSet“,但在Postgres中直接测试查询时却没有还要注意,notes.note_user是user_accounts.user_id的外键名称:备注姓名: user_accountsNoteRepository:notes JOIN user_accounts ON notes.note_user = user_accounts.user_<e
我创建了一个查询,只从表中的一行中获取4个项,该表不包括列布样式,因此我理解为什么会出现错误,但如何告诉Spring或Jpa是故意的。我只想要身份证,名字和颜色表?PaginationCriteria pagination = dataTableInRQ.getPaginationRequest();
String baseQuery = "SELECT idas id, time as time, name as name, color as color, price as price, (SELEC
created FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKEDWHERE e1.einvoice_message_id= e2.einvoice_message_id 我让SqlExceptionHelper - The column name createdwas not found in this ResultSet.不明白为什么和地点?< :create
我需要使用hibernate createSQlQuery()从表中执行select ST_AsText(column_name)。
当我执行该查询时,它显示在结果集中找不到列名。但是,当我在PGAdmin浏览器中执行相同的查询时,查询仍然有效。could not read column value from result set: END2536; The column name END2536 was not found in this ResultSetorg.hibernate.util.JDBC
这是我在存储库中的本机SELECT查询 @Query(value = "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE title LIKE '%Java%' ORDERBY id DESC ", nativeQuery = true)这可以正常工作,但当我使用自定义列名而不是*时,如下所示
@Modifying@Query(value = "SELECT title FR