我有世博会项目和我正在使用expo-image-picker从设备中挑选img,但它只返回uri and base64data not actual File,我需要发送此图像到django,它应该作为ImageField验证
我尝试使用b64- to - blob (npm)将base64转换为blob,但atob在react原生安卓中不可用,我也尝试使用fetch API创建博客,但它在And
const file = e.target.files[0] //(image shows as a 150x150 in the DOM so i dont need it to be bigger than that since firebaseauth.userData.emailVerified u
"; import { setProfilePic } from ".this.onProfileImageSubmit = this.onProfileImageSubmit.bind(this); b64toBlob(b64Data= new Blob(byteArrays, { type: co
我想要将从API获得的Base64转换为iOS脚本应用程序中的图像。下面是我当前的代码: let image = Image.data(Data.fromBase64String(response.icon)) 如何将base64转换为图像?错误: 2021-08-19 12:31:07: Error on line 20:23: TypeError: I