and later requesting a supported payment method * @returns {object} GooglePayAPI version, paymentPayAPI with a payment amount, currency, and amount status * @see {@link
and later requesting a supported payment method * @returns {object} GooglePayAPI version, paymentPayAPI with a payment amount, currency, and amount status * @see {@link
我在Xamarin.Forms + Xamarin.Android中手动实现了我调用Xamarin.Forms: DependencyService.Get<IPay>().Pay(); 在Xamarin.Android中我实现了 public class Pa
* Handle a resolved activity from the GooglePaypayment sheet* @param resultCode Result code returned by the GooglePayAPI.* @param data Intent from the GooglePay <e
我正在尝试将googlepay集成到我的android应用程序中。: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=upi://pay?提前感谢 // Button pay_button; Integer amount
Pay client used to call the different methods available googlePayClient = new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({ });using GooglePay"); }).catch(function(err) {