import json
import base64
import logging
import os
import pandas as pd
from tencentcloud.common import credential
from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfile
from tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile import HttpProfile
from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKException
from tencentcloud.ocr.v20181119 import ocr_client, models
# 腾讯云OCR服务的密钥和区域
secret_id = "***"
secret_key = "***"
region = "ap-guangzhou"
# 图片文件夹路径
image_folder_path = "D:/报销"
# 实例化一个认证对象
cred = credential.Credential(secret_id, secret_key)
# 实例化一个http选项
httpProfile = HttpProfile()
httpProfile.endpoint = ""
# 实例化一个client选项
clientProfile = ClientProfile()
clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile
# 实例化OCR client对象
client = ocr_client.OcrClient(cred, region, clientProfile)
# 创建一个空的DataFrame来存储结果
results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["文件名", "金额", "支付时间", "商户全称", "交易单号"])
# 遍历文件夹中的图片文件
for filename in os.listdir(image_folder_path):
if filename.lower().endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif")):
file_path = os.path.join(image_folder_path, filename)"正在处理文件: {filename}")
# 读取并编码图片为Base64字符串
with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:
image_base64 = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
# 实例化一个请求对象并设置请求参数
req = models.SmartStructuralOCRV2Request()
req.ItemNames = ["金额", "支付时间", "商户全称", "交易单号"]
req.ImageBase64 = image_base64
# 发送请求并获取响应
resp = client.SmartStructuralOCRV2(req)
# 解析响应结果
response_data = json.loads(resp.to_json_string())
ocr_data = response_data.get('Data', {}).get('Items', [])
if ocr_data and isinstance(ocr_data, list) and len(ocr_data) > 0:
result_item = ocr_data[0] # 这里只取第一个结果作为示例
result_dict = {key: result_item.get(key, '') for key in ["金额", "支付时间", "商户全称", "交易单号"]}
result_dict["文件名"] = filename
results_df = results_df.append(result_dict, ignore_index=True)
except TencentCloudSDKException as err:
logging.error(f"处理文件 {filename} 时出错: {err}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"处理文件 {filename} 时发生意外错误: {e}")
# 将结果DataFrame保存为Excel文件
desktop_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop')
output_file_path = os.path.join(desktop_path, "OCR_Results.xlsx")
results_df.to_excel(output_file_path, index=False)"OCR结果已保存至 {output_file_path}")