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dotnetconf 2024 Agenda Day 3

发布2025-01-23 20:55:57
发布2025-01-23 20:55:57

Build Your First GitHub Copilot Extension

2024-11-14 09:00 -- 09:30

Brian Randell

Unlock the potential of GitHub Copilot by learning how to build an extension for yourself or your organization. Whether you're new to GitHub Copilot or an experienced developer looking to customize your coding assistant, this session is designed to guide you through the process of quickly creating an extension for yourself or your organization.

In just 30 minutes, Brian will share the key concepts behind GitHub Copilot extensibility, explore real-world use cases, and help you walk away with the knowledge to build, test, and deploy your first extension using C# and ASP.NET Core. You’ll see how to use Visual Studio 2022 to build & debug your extension from nothing to something.

Perfect for developers of all levels, this session will include: • An introduction to GitHub Copilot extensibility • A live demo of building a simple extension • Tips and best practices for customizing GitHub Copilot to enhance productivity

Don’t miss this opportunity to get a head start in making GitHub Copilot work for you!

通过学习如何为自己或您的组织构建扩展,释放 GitHub Copilot 的潜力。无论您是 GitHub Copilot 的新手,还是希望自定义编码助手的经验丰富的开发人员,此会话都旨在指导您完成为您自己或您的组织快速创建扩展的过程。

在短短 30 分钟内,Brian 将分享 GitHub Copilot 可扩展性背后的关键概念,探索实际用例,并帮助您掌握使用 C# 和 ASP.NET Core 构建、测试和部署您的第一个扩展的知识。你将看到如何使用Visual Studio 2022构建和调试你的扩展,从无到有。

本次会议非常适合所有级别的开发人员,包括:• GitHub Copilot 可扩展性简介 • 构建简单扩展的现场演示 • 自定义 GitHub Copilot 以提高工作效率的提示和最佳实践

不要错过这个机会,让 GitHub Copilot 为您服务!

Using Blazor to manage data in SQL server and Microsoft Fabric

2024-11-14 09:30 -- 10:00

Michael Washington

Many business applications need to allow their users to view and update data in SQL server and data warehouses such as Microsoft Fabric. Learn how to create custom applications using Microsoft Blazor and free open-source controls such as Blazor Data Sheet to rapidly implement solutions to your users. Learn how to implement row level security to control access to the data in a granular way. Finally learn how to use PowerBI embedded to provide advanced data analytics.

许多业务应用程序需要允许其用户查看和更新 SQL Server 和数据仓库(如 Microsoft Fabric)中的数据。了解如何使用 Microsoft Blazor 和免费的开源控件(如 Blazor 数据表)创建自定义应用程序,以便为用户快速实施解决方案。了解如何实施行级安全性,以精细的方式控制对数据的访问。最后,了解如何使用 PowerBI Embedded 提供高级数据分析。

From Figma to .NET MAUI: Transform Your Designs into XAML Code in Seconds

2024-11-14 10:00 -- 10:30

Héctor Uriel Pérez Rojas

In this session, I will share my journey in developing a tool called Xamlify, which allows me to convert Figma designs into XAML code in .NET MAUI in just a few seconds, enabling me to reduce the time spent on creating graphical interfaces by 80% to 90%. I achieved this using Blazor, a lot of C# code, and Azure OpenAI.

在本次会议中,我将分享我开发名为 Xamlify 的工具的过程,该工具允许我在几秒钟内将 Figma 设计转换为 .NET MAUI 中的 XAML 代码,从而使我能够将创建图形界面所花费的时间减少 80% 到 90%。我使用 Blazor、大量 C# 代码和 Azure OpenAI 实现了这一点。

Master Visual Studio Debugging: Tips, Tricks, and AI Insights!

2024-11-14 10:30 -- 11:00

Harshada Hole

Join us for an engaging session that combines essential Visual Studio debugging techniques with the power of Co-Pilot's AI assistance.

Learn how to debug more efficiently, from breakpoints to watch windows, and discover how Co-Pilot can optimize your workflow with intelligent, context-aware suggestions tailored to your coding style.

Elevate your debugging skills and fully leverage the capabilities of Visual Studio in this concise and insightful session.

加入我们,参加一场引人入胜的会议,将基本的 Visual Studio 调试技术与 Co-Pilot 的 AI 辅助功能相结合。

了解如何更高效地调试(从断点到监视窗口),并了解 Co-Pilot 如何通过根据您的编码风格量身定制的智能上下文感知建议来优化您的工作流程。

在这个简洁而富有洞察力的会议中,提升您的调试技能并充分利用 Visual Studio 的功能。

Testing.Platform, the new way to run .NET tests

2024-11-14 11:00 -- 11:30

Jakub Jares

Testing platform is a new way to run .NET tests that we developed at Microsoft as an alternative to VSTest. This new platform is lightweight, modular, and distributed completely as nuget packages. It builds test projects into executables, is easy to extend and can run almost anywhere.

In this talk I will show you what Testing platform is, how to use it to run tests using popular testing frameworks MSTest, NUnit and XUnit.

I will also show what are the benefits of this new testing platform over VSTest, and how to use them to your advantage. Such as portability, self-contained tests, running tests with Native AOT and so on.

You will learn about our design process, the pillars of our new testing platform and the improvements it allowed us to do in MSTest.

测试平台是我们在 Microsoft 开发的一种运行 .NET 测试的新方法,作为 VSTest 的替代方案。这个新平台是轻量级的、模块化的,并且完全作为 nuget 包分发。它将测试项目构建为可执行文件,易于扩展,几乎可以在任何地方运行。

在本次演讲中,我将向您展示什么是测试平台,如何使用流行的测试框架 MSTest、NUnit 和 XUnit 来运行测试。

我还将展示这个新测试平台相对于 VSTest 有哪些优势,以及如何利用它们来发挥自己的优势。例如可移植性、自包含测试、使用 Native AOT 运行测试等。

您将了解我们的设计流程、新测试平台的支柱以及它允许我们在 MSTest 中进行的改进。

Running .NET Aspire on a local Kubernetes cluster

2024-11-14 11:30 -- 12:00

Jorge Arteiro

On this video, we are going to leverage all the power of .NET aspire and Kubernetes. Using Aspirate CLI, Kubernetes local cluster with Kind and Docker Desktop. We are going to deep dive into Kubernetes manifests and Helm charts. How about Debugging? we are going to use Mirrord open-source project to show you how debug your applications running on Kubernetes.

在此视频中,我们将利用 .NET aspire 和 Kubernetes 的所有功能。使用 Aspirate CLI、具有 Kind 和 Docker Desktop 的 Kubernetes 本地集群。我们将深入研究 Kubernetes 清单和 Helm 图表。调试怎么样?我们将使用 Mirrord 开源项目来向您展示如何调试在 Kubernetes 上运行的应用程序。

Spotify knows how you're feeling today ... via Semantic Kernel

2024-11-14 12:00 -- 12:30

Justin Yoo

You know your current mood, and you want to create a playlist on Spotify based on your current mood. But how does it catch how you're feeling now?

Throughout this session, I'm going to discuss how Semantic Kernel seamlessly integrates OpenAI with existing codebase, and as a result, it will create a playlist based on the Billboard Top 100 chart, reflecting your current sentiment.

您知道自己当前的心情,并且想根据自己当前的心情在 Spotify 上创建一个播放列表。但它如何捕捉您现在的感受呢?

在本次会议中,我将讨论 Semantic Kernel 如何将 OpenAI 与现有代码库无缝集成,因此,它将根据 Billboard Top 100 图表创建一个播放列表,反映您当前的看法。

Embedding Python libraries in .NET services and applications

2024-11-14 12:30 -- 13:00

Anthony Shaw, Aaron Powell

In this session we will bridge the gap between two powerful realms of development: .NET and Python. Discover the seamless integration of Python into .NET APIs and Services through an innovative new project that promises to revolutionize your workflow. We'll showcase a live demonstration of embedding essential AI and ML libraries such as scikit-learn and NumPy into a .NET Aspire application, revealing the untapped potential of end-to-end tracing for Enterprise development. This session is not just about observing; it's about engaging. We're eager to gather feedback, delve into diverse use cases, and share success stories from the community. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this is the perfect opportunity to expand your toolkit.

在本次会议中,我们将弥合两个强大的开发领域之间的差距:.NET 和 Python。通过一个创新的新项目,探索 Python 与 .NET API 和服务的无缝集成,该项目有望彻底改变您的工作流程。我们将展示将基本 AI 和 ML 库(如 scikit-learn 和 NumPy)嵌入到 .NET Aspire 应用程序中的现场演示,揭示端到端跟踪在企业开发中尚未开发的潜力。本次会议不仅仅是关于观察;这是关于参与的。我们渴望收集反馈,深入研究各种用例,并分享社区的成功案例。无论您是经验丰富的开发人员还是刚刚起步,这都是扩展您的工具包的绝佳机会。

Use .NET Aspire to create Generative AI Cloud Native Solutions

2024-11-14 13:00 -- 13:30

Kinfey Lo

.NET Aspire is a one-stop cloud-native distributed application solution. In this session, in the Generative AI scenario, you will use .NET Aspire combined with the Phi-3-mini ONNX model to quickly build RAG applications. You will learn

  1. How .NET Aspire structures GenAI applications
  2. Semantic Kernel creation skills
  3. Create RAG application through Phi-3-mini

.NET Aspire 是一站式云原生分布式应用程序解决方案。在本次会议中,在生成式 AI 场景中,您将结合使用 .NET Aspire 和 Phi-3-mini ONNX 模型来快速构建 RAG 应用程序。您将学习

  1. .NET Aspire 如何构建 GenAI 应用程序
  2. 语义内核创建技巧
  3. 通过 Phi-3-mini 创建 RAG 应用程序

Modernising Legacy .NET Codebases with NDepend

2024-11-14 13:30 -- 14:00

Goh Chun Lin

In this talk, we will explore how to migrate legacy .NET projects, such as O2DES.NET, which are still targeting at .NET Standard 2.1 to modern frameworks, focusing on the importance of code quality and maintainability.

In 2019, I had the honour of working closely with the team behind the open-source O2DES.NET during my time working at the C4NGP research center in National University of Singapore. After I left the team in 2022, O2DES.NET has not been actively updated on their GitHub public repository and it is still targeting at .NET Standard 2.1.

Through the example of updating O2DES.NET, we will demonstrate how static analysis tools like NDepend can help assess technical debt, visualise code dependencies, and guide us on code refactoring with the coding rules.

Whether you are preparing for .NET 9 or optimising for current .NET versions, you will gain insights on how to future-proof your code for upcoming platform updates.

在本次演讲中,我们将探讨如何将仍面向 .NET Standard 2.1 的旧版 .NET 项目(如 O2DES.NET)迁移到现代框架,重点关注代码质量和可维护性的重要性。

2019 年,我有幸在新加坡国立大学 C4NGP 研究中心工作期间与开源 O2DES.NET 背后的团队密切合作。在我 2022 年离开团队后,O2DES.NET 尚未在其 GitHub 公共存储库上积极更新,它仍然面向 .NET Standard 2.1。

通过更新 O2DES.NET 的示例,我们将演示像 NDepend 这样的静态分析工具如何帮助评估技术债务,可视化代码依赖关系,并指导我们使用编码规则重构代码。

无论您是在准备 .NET 9 还是针对当前的 .NET 版本进行优化,您都将深入了解如何为即将到来的平台更新提供面向未来的代码。

Navigating Async Challenges in EF Core for Large Data Retrieval

2024-11-14 14:00 -- 14:30

Saeed Esmaeelinejad

This talk will address a common yet critical issue faced by developers using EF Core (including EF Core 9.0) to read large datasets asynchronously. Despite the promise of scalability with async programming, many encounter performance degradation, timeouts, or incomplete data reads when using methods like ToListAsync and FirstOrDefaultAsync in EF Core.

We'll examine the underlying SqlClient library and its internal class, TdsParserStateObject, to understand how it handles asynchronous operations and why it struggles with large data reads. Attendees will gain insights into EF Core's async behavior, potential workarounds, and strategies to optimize performance when working with large datasets.

本次演讲将解决开发人员使用 EF Core(包括 EF Core 9.0)异步读取大型数据集时面临的一个常见但关键的问题。尽管异步编程有望实现可伸缩性,但在 EF Core 中使用 ToListAsync 和 FirstOrDefaultAsync 等方法时,许多人会遇到性能下降、超时或数据读取不完整的情况。

我们将研究底层的 SqlClient 库及其内部类 TdsParserStateObject,以了解它如何处理异步操作以及为什么它在处理大数据读取时遇到困难。与会者将深入了解 EF Core 的异步行为、可能的解决方法和策略,以便在使用大型数据集时优化性能。

With .NET and AI, our community app "aspires" to be on cloud nine

2024-11-14 14:30 -- 15:00

Augustine Correa

We are the largest Open-Source Software [OSS] community with its longest running (> 10 years) tech meetup in Bombay.

And as such we are mostly houseful [ https://x.com/search?q=learnAspireMumbai&src=typed_query&f=live]. As a community that is committed to diversity and inclusiveness, most of our efforts and time is expended on registration triaging. And the next biggest friction in our meetup management is to ensure attendee check-ins and check-outs for building/civic code adherence

So as a tech community, to solve this, we did the only thing we love to do: build an app. That too on .NET 9. We will tell you why .net9 is the best .NET yet and share what are the gotchas we had to look out for.

In this session, we will explore the development of our community app using the latest features of .NET 9: Aspire, Semantic Kernel, Blazor Hybrid. This app leverages the power of .NET 9 to create a cloud-native, and intelligent platform that enhances user engagement and community interaction. We will delve into the integration of AI models to provide personalized experiences and improve overall functionality to building an inclusive and diverse community

Also, our demo would include how GitHub Copilot and Copilot Workspace turbo charged our development to debut the app in time for .NET Conf 2024.

And we wouldn't be an OSS community, if it's not on GitHub [https://github.com/HackerspaceMumbai/Visage/tree/dotnet9]. Contributors welcome 🙏

我们是最大的开源软件 [OSS] 社区,在孟买举办时间最长(> 10 年)的技术聚会。

因此,我们大部分时间都是无家可归的 [ https://x.com/search?q=learnAspireMumbai&src=typed_query&f=live]。作为一个致力于多元化和包容性的社区,我们的大部分精力和时间都花在了注册分类上。我们聚会管理中的下一个最大摩擦是确保与会者签到和签到以遵守建筑/公民法规

因此,作为一个技术社区,为了解决这个问题,我们做了我们唯一喜欢做的事情:构建一个应用程序。在 .NET 9 上也是如此。我们将告诉您为什么 .net9 是迄今为止最好的 .NET,并分享我们必须注意的问题。

在本次会议中,我们将探索如何使用 .NET 9 的最新功能开发我们的社区应用程序:Aspire、Semantic Kernel、Blazor Hybrid。此应用程序利用 .NET 9 的强大功能来创建一个云原生智能平台,以增强用户参与度和社区互动。我们将深入研究 AI 模型的集成,以提供个性化的体验并改进整体功能,以构建一个包容和多元化的社区

此外,我们的演示还将包括 GitHub Copilot 和 Copilot Workspace 如何加速我们的开发,以便在 .NET Conf 2024 上及时推出该应用程序。

如果不在 GitHub 上 [https://github.com/HackerspaceMumbai/Visage/tree/dotnet9] ,我们就不会成为一个 OSS 社区。欢迎🙏贡献者

Building Modular Monolith Applications with ASP.NET Core and ABP Studio

2024-11-14 15:00 -- 15:30

Halil İbrahim Kalkan

ABP is an open source application development framework for .NET Developers. One of its main goals is to enable you to create modular applications. With the new ABP Studio tool, it is now easier to create fully modular systems with ASP.NET Core. In this talk, I will show how to do it in practical and explain the benefits of that approach.

ABP 是面向 .NET 开发人员的开源应用程序开发框架。它的主要目标之一是使您能够创建模块化应用程序。借助新的 ABP Studio 工具,现在可以更轻松地使用 ASP.NET Core 创建完全模块化的系统。在本次演讲中,我将展示如何在实践中做到这一点,并解释这种方法的好处。

From error to fixes:Adding recoverability to MassTransit - based systems

2024-11-14 15:30 -- 16:00

Irina Dominte(Scurtu)

In distributed systems, failures and errors are inevitable. Often, even after several automatic retries, messages can't be processed and end up in error queues. What then?

You will require some message broker knowledge to reprocess them, and manually extract them from the queues, but these are some reasons you use an abstraction like MassTransit. To not need that.

This session uses Aspire and ServiceControl to provide a practical approach to seamlessly adding replayability to MassTransit-based systems.


您将需要一些消息代理知识来重新处理它们,并从队列中手动提取它们,但这些是您使用像 MassTransit 这样的抽象的一些原因。不需要那个。

本次会议使用 Aspire 和 ServiceControl 提供一种实用的方法,将 可重玩性 无缝添加到基于 MassTransit 的系统中。

Releasing HybridCache into the Wild with Umbraco

2024-11-14 16:00 -- 16:30

Emma Burstow, Lotte Pitcher

In November 2024, Microsoft will unveil the highly anticipated hybrid cache feature, and at Umbraco, we couldn't be more excited. Our close alignment with Microsoft’s release cadence allows us to strategically incorporate the latest MS roadmap features such as tag-based eviction and the new MapStaticAssets middleware into our sprint planning. We’d like to show that on this occasion, the hybrid cache and other features have provided us with a unique opportunity to innovate.

Join Emma and Lotte as they take you through Umbraco’s development in sync with Microsoft’s vision. They will showcase how our approach has enabled us to swiftly integrate cutting-edge capabilities, culminating in the implementation of the latest features in .NET 9. Discover how Umbraco’s agile alignment with Microsoft’s evolving technology landscape drives forward-thinking solutions that keep us ahead of the curve.

2024 年 11 月,Microsoft 将推出备受期待的混合缓存功能,在 Umbraco 上,我们感到无比兴奋。我们与 Microsoft 的发布节奏紧密一致,这使我们能够战略性地将最新的 MS 路线图功能(例如基于标签的逐出和新的 MapStaticAssets 中间件)整合到我们的冲刺计划中。我们想表明,在这种情况下,混合缓存和其他功能为我们提供了独特的创新机会。

加入 Emma 和 Lotte 的行列,他们将带您了解 Umbraco 与 Microsoft 愿景同步的开发过程。他们将展示我们的方法如何使我们能够快速集成尖端功能,最终在 .NET 9 中实现最新功能。了解 Umbraco 如何与 Microsoft 不断发展的技术环境实现敏捷结合,推动前瞻性解决方案,使我们保持领先地位。

F# - Nullable Reference Types

2024-11-14 16:30 -- 17:00

Tomáš Grošup

Join us for an in-depth exploration of F# 9's highly anticipated Nullable Reference Types feature. After years of development and strong community demand, this feature is set to revolutionize how F# handles null values, making C#-F# interop smoother and bringing a new level of null safety to the language.

Whether you're an F# enthusiast or a C# developer looking to leverage F#'s strengths, this talk will equip you with the knowledge to take full advantage of this new feature.

加入我们,深入了解 F# 9 备受期待的可为 Null 引用类型功能。经过多年的开发和强大的社区需求,此功能将彻底改变 F# 处理 null 值的方式,使 C#-F# 互操作更加顺畅,并为语言带来新的空安全级别。

无论您是 F# 爱好者还是希望利用 F# 优势的 C# 开发人员,本次讲座都将为您提供充分利用此新功能的知识。

C# Source Generators Boost Productivity in the Rx.NET Repo

2024-11-14 17:00 -- 17:30

Ian Griffiths

Code generation has become increasingly important in recent versions of .NET, especially when using AOT compilation. But they can also play a role in boosting your power as a developer.

This talk will show how we've been using source generators to extend the reach of the test suite in the Reactive Extensions for .NET. AsyncRx.NET was an experimental project with no tests, but source generators have made it possible to make the existing Rx.NET test suite work in this new project.

在最新版本的 .NET 中,代码生成变得越来越重要,尤其是在使用 AOT 编译时。但它们也可以在提升您作为开发人员的能力方面发挥作用。

本次演讲将展示我们如何使用 Source Generator 来扩展 Reactive Extensions for .NET 中测试套件的覆盖范围。AsyncRx.NET 是一个没有测试的实验项目,但源生成器使现有的 Rx.NET 测试套件在这个新项目中工作成为可能。

Advanced Pattern Matching in C#

2024-11-14 17:30 -- 18:00

Oliver Sturm

All "real" functional languages support Pattern Matching - that's not really true, but it is correct that aspects of a functional programming style benefit from elegant and syntactically compact case distinction. Microsoft worked on Pattern Matching as a C# feature in at least three major language versions! In this talk, Oliver demonstrates how C# Pattern Matching works, why this evolution of the old imperative "switch" is so important, and how the structure of C# Code can be generally different from the past on the basis of this feature. As a conclusion, he proves that C# can now pattern match with the best, by porting a complex piece of Haskell code.

所有 “真正的” 函数式语言都支持 Pattern Matching - 这并不是真的,但函数式编程风格的各个方面受益于优雅且语法紧凑的大小写区分是正确的。Microsoft 在至少三个主要语言版本中将模式匹配作为 C# 功能进行开发!在本次演讲中,Oliver 演示了 C# 模式匹配的工作原理,为什么旧的命令式“开关”的演变如此重要,以及基于此功能的 C# 代码结构通常如何与过去不同。总而言之,他证明了 C# 现在可以通过移植一段复杂的 Haskell 代码来与最好的代码进行模式匹配。

Bulletproof ASP.NET Core APIs: The OWASP API Security Top Ten

2024-11-14 18:00 -- 18:30

Christian Wenz

The OWASP Top Ten as a list of the ten biggest security risks for web applications has been a de facto standard for over ten years. Somewhat out of the limelight, however, there are other lists. The OWASP API Security Top Ten highlights risks for APIs. Since arguably almost every web application relies on APIs these days, it's imperative that we address them. In the talk, we'll take a look at how the list came about and then go through all the points. In particular, we are of course interested in what this means for our chosen stack ASP.NET Core. Which points are relevant, and how can we take technology-specific countermeasures?

OWASP Top Ten 作为 Web 应用程序的十大安全风险列表,十多年来一直是事实上的标准。然而,在某种程度上,还有其他列表。OWASP API 安全十大突出了 API 面临的风险。由于可以说现在几乎每个 Web 应用程序都依赖于 API,因此我们必须解决它们。在演讲中,我们将了解该列表是如何产生的,然后介绍所有要点。特别是,我们当然对这对我们选择的 ASP.NET Core 堆栈意味着什么感兴趣。哪些点是相关的,我们如何采取特定于技术的对策?

Accessibility as a concept

2024-11-14 18:30 -- 19:00

Jemima Abu

Knowing how to build accessible products is important but it's just as important to know why we build products to be accessible. Basic human decency aside, there's a plethora of reasons for building products that everyone can use. In this talk, we'll explore the concept of accessibility in order to better understand its necessity and the ramifications involved in building non accessible products. We'll also answer pressing questions like "How do I know if this thing I built is accessible?" and "Whose job is it to ensure accessibility?" (Spoiler: it's everyone's job)


Building Rich Web Applications with Blazor Server and MudBlazor

2024-11-14 19:00 -- 19:30

Flora Mousavi

In this session, we'll explore how to create robust, interactive web applications using Blazor Server and MudBlazor. We'll dive into practical examples from a real-world application, discussing how MudBlazor's rich components can enhance user experience and simplify development. The session will cover performance optimization techniques, handling complex UI requirements, and best practices for deploying Blazor Server apps in production. Attendees will leave with actionable insights to elevate their Blazor Server projects.

在本次会议中,我们将探讨如何使用 Blazor Server 和 MudBlazor 创建可靠的交互式 Web 应用程序。我们将深入研究实际应用程序中的实际示例,讨论 MudBlazor 的丰富组件如何增强用户体验并简化开发。该会议将介绍性能优化技术、处理复杂的 UI 要求以及在生产环境中部署 Blazor Server 应用的最佳做法。与会者将获得可操作的见解,以提升他们的 Blazor Server 项目。

Building Generative AI apps with GitHub Models and .NET

2024-11-14 19:30 -- 20:00

April Yoho

As a full stack engineer, we often are integrating our code with various AI models. As access to models has been a challenge, you can now customize and are given a free playground with GitHub Models.

In this session we'll dive into how to choose an AI model, configure the parameters and most importantly learn about prompting with AI. April will be providing a hands-on session to being AI to your engineering practices

作为全栈工程师,我们经常将我们的代码与各种 AI 模型集成。由于访问模型一直是一项挑战,您现在可以自定义并获得 GitHub Models 的免费 Playground。

在本次会议中,我们将深入探讨如何选择 AI 模型、配置参数,最重要的是了解如何使用 AI 进行提示。April 将提供一个实践会议,将 AI 融入您的工程实践

Empowering WPF Developers: A Journey Through .NET 9 and the Road Ahead

2024-11-14 20:00 -- 20:30

Pankaj Chaurasia

Join us on a journey through the latest advancements in WPF with .NET 9 and explore the exciting future that lies ahead. This talk will dive deep into the new Fluent theme, which brings a modern Windows 11 look and feel to WPF applications, complete with Light/Dark mode and system accent color support. We'll also cover the new hyphen-based ligature support that enhances typography for a more polished user experience. But that's not all—get a sneak peek into what's planned for beyond .NET 10, including the top-requested features that will empower you to build even more powerful and visually stunning WPF applications. Whether you're a seasoned WPF developer or just getting started, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to take full advantage of the platform's evolving capabilities.

加入我们,了解 WPF 与 .NET 9 的最新进展,并探索未来令人兴奋的未来。本次演讲将深入探讨新的 Fluent 主题,该主题为 WPF 应用程序带来了现代的 Windows 11 外观,并配有浅色/深色模式和系统主题色支持。我们还将介绍新的基于连字符的连字支持,该支持可增强排版,从而提供更精致的用户体验。但这还不是全部 - 抢先了解 .NET 10 之后的计划,包括最需要的功能,这些功能将使您能够构建更强大、视觉上更令人惊叹的 WPF 应用程序。无论您是经验丰富的 WPF 开发人员还是新手,本次会议都将为您提供知识和工具,以充分利用平台不断发展的功能。

WPF Reborn: Avalonia's Cross-Platform Magic

2024-11-14 20:30 -- 21:00

Mike James

Step into the future of .NET app development!

This hands-on session will revolutionise the way you think about WPF applications. We're ditching the slides and diving straight into the IDE to show you how Avalonia and Avalonia XPF can breathe new life into your Windows-only apps.

You'll leave with the knowledge to take your desktop apps cross-platform, opening up new markets and opportunities.

步入 .NET 应用程序开发的未来!

此实践课程将彻底改变您对 WPF 应用程序的看法。我们将放弃幻灯片,直接进入 IDE,向您展示 Avalonia 和 Avalonia XPF 如何为仅限 Windows 的应用程序注入新的活力。


Talking to managers about modernizing .NET apps

2024-11-14 21:00 -- 21:30

Tomas Herceg

Most developers understand the benefits of migrating legacy apps to the new .NET and the risks of not doing so. Sadly, it is usually not the developers who decide whether these old .NET Framework applications will be modernized or not. How do you convince the management to allocate the budget for this task? What arguments and information should you present to stakeholders who do not have a technical background to ensure they understand the situation? In this session, I'll provide valuable tips and arguments I used in the past to advocate the necessity of modernization in various companies. I'll talk about estimating the effort of modernization and the long-term maintenance costs. I'll also go through the security risks and other benefits of the upgrade, such as improving the project's attractiveness for hiring new developers.

大多数开发人员都了解将旧应用程序迁移到新 .NET 的好处,以及不这样做的风险。遗憾的是,通常不是开发人员决定这些旧的 .NET Framework 应用程序是否要现代化。您如何说服管理层为这项任务分配预算?您应该向没有技术背景的利益相关者提供哪些论点和信息,以确保他们了解情况?在本次会议中,我将提供我过去使用的宝贵提示和论点,以倡导各种公司现代化的必要性。我将讨论如何估算现代化的工作量和长期维护成本。我还将介绍升级的安全风险和其他好处,例如提高项目对雇用新开发人员的吸引力。

Azure Health Checks in .NET 9

2024-11-14 21:30 -- 22:00

Steven Hook

Join us for an exploration of how Azure’s Health Check feature, integrated with .NET 9 APIs, can provide base-level or even customized validation of your application’s health. We'll also be covering some lessons learned from production systems and some surprising results of misconfigured health checks. At first glace, health checks are rather simple but determining what to check and what Azure does with applications that fail those checks is critical to understand before implementing a health check.

Topics to cover:

  • Setting up a simple health check to ensure the app service exists
  • Customizing your health check to validate dependencies
  • Discussing some secrets of how Azure recovers from an unhealth app
  • Advanced customizations to have more control of failovers and frequency

加入我们,探索 Azure 的运行状况检查功能如何与 .NET 9 API 集成,提供应用程序运行状况的基本级别甚至自定义验证。我们还将介绍从生产系统中吸取的一些经验教训,以及配置错误的运行状况检查的一些令人惊讶的结果。乍一看,运行状况检查相当简单,但在实施运行状况检查之前,了解要检查的内容以及 Azure 如何处理未通过这些检查的应用程序至关重要。


  • 设置简单的运行状况检查以确保应用服务存在
  • 自定义运行状况检查以验证依赖项
  • 讨论 Azure 如何从不健康的应用中恢复的一些秘密
  • 高级自定义,以更好地控制故障转移和频率

Migrate your .NET Framework / EF6 "Classic" app to .NET 9 and Azure SQL

2024-11-14 22:00 -- 22:30

Erik Ejlskov Jensen

With the help of a new Entity Framework 6 "Classic" package thjat I have just published, you can migrate your legacy .NET Framework applications in increments and move to .NET 9 with Azure SQL Database and the latest security advances. In this demo driven session you will learn how to do this with the help of .NET Upgrade Assistant and my new package.

借助我刚刚发布的新 Entity Framework 6“经典”包,您可以逐步迁移旧版 .NET Framework 应用程序,并使用 Azure SQL 数据库和最新的安全进步迁移到 .NET 9。在此演示驱动的会话中,您将学习如何在 .NET Upgrade Assistant 和我的新程序包的帮助下执行此操作。

dotnet CLI all the things!

2024-11-14 22:30 -- 23:00

Andres Pineda

Visual Studio is undoubtedly an excellent IDE that makes us highly productive in building applications, offering the best experience for .NET development. But what if you could remain productive even when Visual Studio isn't available?

In this presentation, we'll dive into the capabilities of the .NET CLI, equipping you with everything you need to build, run, and deploy all types of .NET applications.

Visual Studio 无疑是一个出色的 IDE,它使我们在构建应用程序方面非常高效,为 .NET 开发提供最佳体验。但是,如果即使 Visual Studio 不可用,您也可以保持高效,那会怎样呢?

在本演示中,我们将深入探讨 .NET CLI 的功能,为您提供构建、运行和部署所有类型的 .NET 应用程序所需的一切。

From Monolith Towards Microservices: EventStorming as Your Modernization Blueprint

2024-11-14 23:00 -- 23:30

Sarah Dutkiewicz

Modernizing legacy monoliths is a daunting task, but EventStorming offers a clear path forward. Join us as we show how you can use EventStorming to deconstruct your monolithic .NET applications and migrate them towards a microservices architecture. This session will provide actionable insights into the EventStorming process, highlighting how it helps align technical and business teams while reducing risks and ensuring a smooth transition.

对传统单体式架构进行现代化改造是一项艰巨的任务,但 EventStorming 提供了一条明确的前进道路。加入我们,我们将展示如何使用 EventStorming 解构整体式 .NET 应用程序并将其迁移到微服务架构。本次会议将提供对 EventStorming 流程的可行见解,重点介绍它如何帮助协调技术和业务团队,同时降低风险并确保平稳过渡。

Building Microservices with .NET 9: Integrating AI for Smarter, Scalable Applications

2024-11-14 23:30 -- 00:00

Rebai Hamida

As microservices continue to dominate the architecture landscape, integrating AI capabilities into these services can lead to smarter and more responsive applications. In this session, we'll explore: How to architect microservices with .NET 9, focusing on modularity, scalability, and maintainability. The process of embedding AI into these microservices using Azure OpenAI, enhancing their functionality with intelligent decision-making. Strategies for deploying and managing these AI-powered microservices in a containerized environment using Docker, ensuring they are cloud-ready.

随着微服务继续在架构领域占据主导地位,将 AI 功能集成到这些服务中可以带来更智能、响应速度更快的应用程序。在本次会议中,我们将探讨:如何使用 .NET 9 构建微服务,重点关注模块化、可伸缩性和可维护性。使用 Azure OpenAI 将 AI 嵌入到这些微服务中,通过智能决策增强其功能的过程。使用 Docker 在容器化环境中部署和管理这些 AI 驱动的微服务的策略,确保它们可用于云。

How I used .NET 9 and AI to charge my electric car based on the available solar power

2024-11-15 00:00 -- 00:30

Johnny Hooyberghs

Can you use .NET 9 to charge your electric car using solar power? Absolutely! In this session, Johnny will show you how to leverage your development skills and .NET 9 to combine data from external vendors by using their API's and be smart with that data to command your electric vehicle to charge when the time is right. Johnny even added some AI to the mix to be able to ask questions about the current charging state using Azure OpenAI for the LLM, Semantic Kernel to create a custom copilot, and Azure Cognitive Services for Speech-To-Text. This demo is not something that is put together for this talk, it is a cloud-native distributed application used by Johnny on a day-to-day basis.

您可以使用 .NET 9 通过太阳能为您的电动汽车充电吗?绝对!在本次会议中,Johnny 将向您展示如何利用您的开发技能和 .NET 9 通过使用外部供应商的 API 来组合来自外部供应商的数据,并巧妙地使用这些数据来命令您的电动汽车在适当的时候充电。Johnny 甚至添加了一些 AI,以便能够使用适用于 LLM 的 Azure OpenAI、用于创建自定义副驾驶的语义内核以及用于语音转文本的 Azure 认知服务来询问有关当前充电状态的问题。这个演示不是为本次演讲而准备的,它是 Johnny 日常使用的云原生分布式应用程序。

Getting Started with OpenTelemetry in .NET

2024-11-15 00:30 -- 01:00

Frank Boucher, Jason Hand

In this session, we will show you how to instrument a .NET Blazor application to use OpenTelemetry and .NET Aspire to help us visualize what is really happening in our application. We will than see how we can add OpenTelemetry exporters and use different solution: Azure Application Insight or Datadog APM to collect those OpenTelemetry metrics and traces and how it could help us.

在本次会议中,我们将向你展示如何检测 .NET Blazor 应用程序以使用 OpenTelemetry 和 .NET Aspire 来帮助我们可视化应用程序中实际发生的情况。接下来,我们将了解如何添加 OpenTelemetry 导出器并使用不同的解决方案:Azure Application Insight 或 Datadog APM 来收集这些 OpenTelemetry 指标和跟踪,以及它如何帮助我们。

New tools in Visual Studio for Web API developers

2024-11-15 01:00 -- 01:30

Sayed Hashimi

There's so much new good stuff in Visual Studio for ASP.NET Core Web API developers. We've added lots of features to HTTP files and we are making it easier for you to develop Web APIs. Sayed will give a tour of all the new features and support for Web API developers.

Visual Studio 中为 ASP.NET Core Web API 开发人员提供了许多新的好东西。我们为 HTTP 文件添加了许多功能,让您可以更轻松地开发 Web API。Sayed 将介绍面向 Web API 开发人员的所有新功能和支持。

Extending ASP.NET Core OpenAPI - Enrich your OpenAPI documents with examples, descriptions and more!

2024-11-15 01:30 -- 02:00

Martin Costello

In this session we'll take a look into the transformation interfaces that ship as part of the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi NuGet package in ASP.NET Core 9 to see how we can build on top of them to enrich an OpenAPI document.

Using document, operation and schema transformers, we'll take a look at an approach to add rich examples and descriptions to an API to help make it even easier for other developers to create an integration that depends on our application's API.

在本会话中,我们将了解作为 ASP.NET Core 9 中 Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi NuGet 包的一部分提供的转换接口,以了解我们如何基于这些接口进行构建以丰富 OpenAPI 文档。

使用文档、操作和架构转换器,我们将研究一种向 API 添加丰富示例和描述的方法,以帮助其他开发人员更轻松地创建依赖于我们应用程序 API 的集成。

Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 9

2024-11-15 02:00 -- 02:30

Steve Smith

ASP.NET Core 9 provides better support for clean, testable, maintainable architectures than any of its predecessors. Learn the underlying principles that apply to project/solution organization, how best to arrange your projects to support clean code, and how to refactor existing solutions toward this architecture. Examples will use ASP.NET Core but the principles covered apply to all languages and platforms.

ASP.NET Core 9 比其任何前代产品都更好地支持干净、可测试、可维护的架构。了解适用于项目/解决方案组织的基本原则,如何最好地安排项目以支持干净的代码,以及如何将现有解决方案重构到此体系结构。示例将使用 ASP.NET Core,但所涵盖的原则适用于所有语言和平台。

Community Toolkit Roundup

2024-11-15 03:00 -- 03:30

Gerald Versluis, Michael Hawker, Adrian Hall

The past year the Community Toolkit family has been growing, and we've welcomed the .NET Aspire Toolkit and Datasync Toolkit. So it's about time we update you with the latest and greatest.

Join a lively discussion with maintainers of the Community Toolkits, the .NET Community Toolkit, the MAUI Community Toolkit, and the Windows Community Toolkit. Learn about these open-source projects which aim to provide useful and high-quality components, controls, and utilities for .NET developers.

Discover how you can get involved, contribute, and benefit from these amazing toolkits that cover various .NET platforms and technologies. Whether you are developing desktop, mobile, web, or cross-platform applications, there is a Toolkit for you!

在过去的一年里,Community Toolkit 系列不断壮大,我们迎来了 .NET Aspire Toolkit 和 Datasync Toolkit。因此,现在是时候为您提供最新和最好的更新了。

加入与社区工具包、.NET 社区工具包、MAUI 社区工具包和 Windows 社区工具包的维护者的热烈讨论。了解这些开源项目,这些项目旨在为 .NET 开发人员提供有用的高质量组件、控件和实用程序。

了解如何参与、贡献这些涵盖各种 .NET 平台和技术的出色工具包并从中受益。无论您是开发桌面、移动、Web 还是跨平台应用程序,总有一款 Toolkit 适合您!

State of the .NET Foundation and .NET Open Source

2024-11-15 03:30 -- 04:00

Kevin Griffin, Mitchel Sellers

We discuss the .NET Foundation's current state, what we'd like to do moving forward, and how the .NET community can get involved. We also highlight some new projects recently added to the Foundation.

我们将讨论 .NET Foundation 的当前状态、我们未来想要做什么以及 .NET 社区如何参与。我们还重点介绍了最近添加到基金会的一些新项目。

Building .NET Applications with .NET Aspire and AWS

2024-11-15 04:00 -- 04:30

Norm Johanson

Aspire, the .NET Cloud Native development platform is a multi cloud development platform. This session you will learn how you can use Aspire to integrate AWS into your development environment. The combined integration of Aspire and AWS can remove the need for collection of tools to a simple F5 debug session that starts your application with all of AWS resources provisioned and connected to your application.

Aspire 是 .NET Cloud Native 开发平台,是一个多云开发平台。在本次会议中,您将了解如何使用 Aspire 将 AWS 集成到您的开发环境中。Aspire 和 AWS 的联合集成可以消除将工具收集到一个简单的 F5 调试会话中的需求,该会话在启动您的应用程序时预置了所有 AWS 资源并将其连接到您的应用程序。

Orleans: Microsoft's distributed systems framework for .NET

2024-11-15 04:30 -- 05:00

Reuben Bond

Microsoft Orleans underpins many cloud services at Microsoft. It gives teams a straightforward approach to building efficient, reliable, elastically scalable cloud services quickly. In this session we will introduce Orleans and describe its core features and what's new in 2024. We will follow with a technical dive deep into placement & load balancing in Orleans, covering the latest advancements for reliability and performance, including some cutting-edge recent work in rebalancing & locality-aware repartitioning.

Microsoft Orleans 是 Microsoft 的许多云服务的基础。它为团队提供了一种简单的方法来快速构建高效、可靠、可弹性缩放的云服务。在本次会议中,我们将介绍 Orleans 并介绍其核心功能和 2024 年的新增功能。我们将对奥尔良的放置和负载均衡进行技术深入探讨,涵盖可靠性和性能的最新进展,包括一些近期在再平衡和地方感知重新分区方面的前沿工作。

What's New for Oracle Database in .NET 9 and Entity Framework Core 9

2024-11-15 05:00 -- 05:30

Alex Keh

Learn about the new .NET 9 and EF Core 9 capabilities supported with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET). New .NET and Oracle database capabilities include controlling query parameterization, inlined uncorrelated subqueries, ToHashSetAsync methods support, passing complex type instances to ExecuteUpdate, auto-compiled models, and more. Join this session to see demos of these new features.

了解适用于 .NET 的 Oracle Data Provider (ODP.NET) 支持的新 .NET 9 和 EF Core 9 功能。新的 .NET 和 Oracle 数据库功能包括控制查询参数化、内联不相关子查询、ToHashSetAsync 方法支持、将复杂类型实例传递给 ExecuteUpdate、自动编译模型等。加入此会议,观看这些新功能的演示。

Unpacking the Newest in NuGet

2024-11-15 05:30 -- 06:00

Allie Barry, Jon Douglas

This session dives into the newest features and updates in NuGet, the package manager that powers .NET development. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this talk will give you a comprehensive overview of what’s new in NuGet, how these features can streamline your workflow, and why they matter for your projects.

本次会议深入探讨了 NuGet(支持 .NET 开发的包管理器)中的最新功能和更新。无论你是经验丰富的开发人员还是新手,此讲座都将全面概述 NuGet 中的新增功能、这些功能如何简化工作流,以及它们对项目的重要性。

.NET Cross-Platform Development Supercharged with .NET 9, and Uno Platform

2024-11-15 06:00 -- 06:30

Jérôme Laban

The gap between the complexity of applications and the resources available to build them is widening rapidly. As developers, it's crucial to leverage familiar tools while embracing new ones that enhance productivity.

Join Jerome Laban for an in-depth session on the latest advancements in the Uno Platform, including the newest support for .NET 9 . Jerome will discuss the performance benefits of moving to NET 9, the advantages of true single-project architecture and importance of using visual tooling such as Hot Reload and others.

While AI is reshaping our industry, let's take a pragmatic approach to software development in 2024. This session will help you cut through the buzz and focus on the tools that can deliver real value to your projects today.


加入 Jerome Laban 的深入会议,了解 Uno 平台的最新进展,包括对 .NET 9 的最新支持。Jerome 将讨论迁移到 NET 9 的性能优势、真正的单项目架构的优势以及使用可视化工具(如 Hot Reload 等工具)的重要性。

虽然 AI 正在重塑我们的行业,但让我们采取务实的方法进行软件开发 2024. 本次会议将帮助您消除嗡嗡声,专注于可以提供真实 对您今天的项目有价值。

New Features in the .NET 9 JIT

2024-11-15 06:30 -- 07:00

Andy Ayers

A deep dive into some of the many improvements made in the .NET 9 JIT, including new loop optimizations, stack allocation of objects, ARM64 SVE, improvements in AVX-512, and more!

深入了解 .NET 9 JIT 中所做的许多改进中的一些,包括新的循环优化、对象的堆栈分配、ARM64 SVE、AVX-512 中的改进等等!

Modernizing .NET Apps with Upgrade Assistant: New Capabilities for Seamless Upgrades

2024-11-15 07:00 -- 07:30

McKenna Barlow

In this session, we'll explore the latest enhancements to the .NET Upgrade Assistant, focusing on new capabilities designed to simplify and streamline your upgrade process. You'll learn how the tool now supports comprehensive upgrade assessments, providing in-depth insights into project compatibility and upgrade complexity. We’ll also cover expanded package support, including Central Package Management (CPM), to help you manage dependencies more efficiently. Whether you're modernizing legacy applications or preparing for future upgrades, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make the transition smoother and faster.

在本次会议中,我们将探讨 .NET 升级助手的最新增强功能,重点介绍旨在简化升级过程的新功能。您将了解该工具现在如何支持全面的升级评估,从而深入了解项目兼容性和升级复杂性。我们还将介绍扩展的包支持,包括集中包管理 (CPM),以帮助您更有效地管理依赖项。无论您是对旧应用程序进行现代化改造,还是为将来的升级做准备,本次会议都将为您提供知识和工具,使过渡更顺畅、更快速。

C++ Interopability in .NET

2024-11-15 07:30 -- 08:00

Justin Pierce

Wield the power of over 25 years of C++ native libraries within .NET, using C#'s advanced interoperability features.

使用 C++ 的高级互操作性功能,在 .NET 中利用超过 25 年的 C++ 原生库。

Next-gen SQL projects with Microsoft.Build.Sql

2024-11-15 08:00 -- 08:30

Drew Skwiers-Koballa

Your database objects are stored as code for development in Visual Studio or VS Code with Microsoft.Build.Sql SDK-style SQL projects, but the advantages don’t stop there. SQL code analysis and other build-time tests can validate database code quality and correctness during continuous integration of code changes. With SQL projects delivering database object updates is easier and more reliable whether you're managing one database or a fleet of databases because the deployment plan is dynamically calculated through the SqlPackage CLI. In this session we’ll learn how to develop and deploy your database alongside your app components with SQL projects from the IDE to CI/CD.

您的数据库对象作为代码存储在 Visual Studio 或 VS Code 中,以便使用 Microsoft.Build.Sql SDK 样式的 SQL 项目进行开发,但优势并不止于此。SQL 代码分析和其他构建时测试可以在持续集成代码更改期间验证数据库代码质量和正确性。对于 SQL 项目,无论您是管理一个数据库还是一组数据库,交付数据库对象更新都更容易、更可靠,因为部署计划是通过 SqlPackage CLI 动态计算的。在本次会议中,我们将学习如何使用从 IDE 到 CI/CD 的 SQL 项目来开发和部署数据库和应用程序组件。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2024-11-02,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 JusterZhu 微信公众号,前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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