Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > _
如果用户输入 A 或 a、F 或 f、R 或 r、M 或 m、S 或 s,则可完成相应的操作。如果用户输入其它字符,则显示错误信息。
程序将反复显示主菜单,让用户持续工作。如果用户输入 Q 或 q,则程序结束。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > Q
Thank you! Goodbye!
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > B
Incorrect choice!
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > 9
Incorrect choice!
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > +
Incorrect choice!
若用户输入 A 或 a,则可以输入新书的信息,将其添加到图书目录中。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > a
ISBN: 9780439227148
Title: The Call of the Wild
Author: Jack London
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Pub date: 2001/1/1
Price: 39.4
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > A
ISBN: 9781772262902
Title: Oliver Twist
Author: Charles Dickens
Publisher: Engage Books
Pub date: 2016/9/15
Price: 648
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > a
ISBN: 9787515911076
Title: The Call of the Wild
Author: Jack London
Publisher: Aerospace Publishing House
Pub date: 2016/5/1
Price: 29.8
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > A
ISBN: 9787501592401
Title: The Old Man and the Sea
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Publisher: Knowledge Press
Pub date: 2016/2/30
Incorrect date! Please reenter: 2016/6/31
Incorrect date! Please reenter: 2016/8/1
Price: 25.8
若用户输入 S 或 s,则按书号升序排序,然后列表显示全部图书。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > S
ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---
9780439227148 The Call of the Wild Jack London Scholastic Press 2001/01/01 39.40
9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00
9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80
9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
若用户输入 F 或 f,则输入书名,然后显示该书名的图书。如果没有对应的图书,则显示错误信息。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > F
Title: The Call of the Wild
ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---
9780439227148 The Call of the Wild Jack London Scholastic Press 2001/01/01 39.40
9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > f
Title: Gulliver's Travels
Not found!
若用户输入 R 或 r,则输入书号,然后将删除该书号的图书。如果没有对应的图书,则显示错误信息。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > r
ISBN: 9781772262902
Remove(y/n)? n
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > S
ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---
9780439227148 The Call of the Wild Jack London Scholastic Press 2001/01/01 39.40
9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00
9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80
9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > R
ISBN: 9780439227148
Remove(y/n)? Y
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > s
ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---
9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00
9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80
9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > r
ISBN: 9787515914145
Not found!
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > s
ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---
9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00
9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80
9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
要求:用户回答是否删除时,必须回答 Y 或 N (大小写均可)。如果是其它字符,则显示错误信息,要求用户重新回答。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > R
ISBN: 9781772262902
Remove(y/n)? k
Incorrect answer!
Remove(y/n)? $
Incorrect answer!
Remove(y/n)? N
若用户输入 M 或 m,则可以修改图书信息。首先按书号查找,然后重新输入该图书的信息。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > m
ISBN: 9787515911076
Modify(y/n)? y
ISBN: 9787544724968
Title: The House on Mango Street
Author: Sandra Heathneros
Publisher: Yilin Press
Pub date: 2012/1/1
Price: 30
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > M
ISBN: 9787501592401
Modify(y/n)? n
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > m
ISBN: 9787515914145
Not found!
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > S
ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---
9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00
9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80
9787544724968 The House on Mango Street Sandra Heathneros Yilin Press 2012/01/01 30.00
要求:用户回答是否修改时,必须回答 Y 或 N (大小写均可)。如果是其它字符,则显示错误信息,要求用户重新回答。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > M
ISBN: 9787544724968
Modify(y/n)? K
Incorrect answer!
Modify(y/n)? *
Incorrect answer!
Modify(y/n)? n
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > Thank you! Goodbye!
class Book:
def __init__(self, ISBN, title, author, publisher, pubdate, price):
self.ISBN = ISBN
self.title = title
self.author = author
self.publisher = publisher
self.pubdate = pubdate
self.price = price
def Print(self):
# 打印book的各个属性
print(self.ISBN + " " + self.title + " " + self.author + " " + self.publisher + " " + self.price)
class BookLibrary:
def __init__(self):
self.library = []
def add(self):
# 创建Book对象
book = Book(None, None, None, None, None, None)
book.ISBN = input("ISBN:")
book.title = input("Title:")
book.author = input("Author:")
book.publisher = input("Publisher:")
book.pubdate = input("Pubdate:")
book.price = input("Price:")
# 更新书本
def update(self):
ISBN = input("请输入你需要更新的书本的ISBN:")
book = self.findByISBN(ISBN)
if book == None:
book.ISBN = input("ISBN:")
book.title = input("Title:")
book.author = input("Author:")
book.publisher = input("Publisher:")
book.pubdate = input("Pubdate:")
book.price = input("Price:")
def delete(self):
ISBN = input("请输入你需要删除的书本的ISBN:")
book = self.findByISBN(ISBN)
if book == None:
def selectAll(self):
for book in self.library:
# 按照ISBN查询
def findByISBN(self, ISBN):
for book in self.library:
if book.ISBN == ISBN:
return book
else: # 这是没有查询到的情况
return None
if __name__=="__main__":
# 创建一个图书馆
booklirary = BookLibrary()
# 测试添加
# 测试查询
# 测试更新
# 测试删除