文件/sys/class/sunxi_info/key_info使用方法,先echo,再cat。 echo <key_name> > /sys/class/sunxi_info/key_info cat /sys/class/sunxi_info/key_info 对于R18来说,key_name当前只能是“chipid”。因此不能用此方法读取rotpk。
2.执行“efuse_read rotpk”命令,将读出的内容与rotpk.bin文件进行对比。
U-Boot 2014.07 (Jun 07 2018 - 11:17:01) Allwinner Technology
uboot commit : 5da40074ea73113eb81c6d33b2c2445a74bfb08a
secure mode: with secureos
I2C: [I2C-ERROR]:twi_send_clk_9pulse() 205 [i2c] SDA is still Stuck Low, fail.
rsb: secure monitor exist
[1.924]pmbus: ready
[1.926][ARISC] :arisc initialize
[1.951][ARISC] :arisc para ok
[SCP] :sunxi-arisc driver begin startup 2
[SCP] :arisc version: [sun8iw5_v0.03.00-399-g9fac845]
[SCP] :sunxi-arisc driver v1.10 is starting
[1.966][ARISC] :sunxi-arisc driver startup succeeded
boot0 probe pmu_type = 0x11
[1.968]bat_vol=0, ratio=100
[1.971]set power on vol to default
[1.974]dcdc1_vol = 3000, onoff=1
[1.977]dcdc2_vol = 1100, onoff=1
[1.980]dcdc3_vol = 1100, onoff=1
[1.983]dcdc4_vol = 1100, onoff=0
[1.985]dcdc5_vol = 1500, onoff=1
[1.988]dcdc6_vol = 1100, onoff=1
[1.991]aldo1_vol = 3000, onoff=1
[1.994]aldo2_vol = 3000, onoff=1
[1.997]aldo3_vol = 3000, onoff=1
[2.000]dldo1_vol = 3300, onoff=1
[2.003]dldo2_vol = 3300, onoff=0
[2.006]dldo3_vol = 3300, onoff=0
[2.009]dldo4_vol = 3300, onoff=0
[2.012]eldo1_vol = 1800, onoff=1
[2.015]eldo2_vol = 1800, onoff=1
[2.018]eldo3_vol = 1800, onoff=0
[2.021]fldo1_vol = 1200, onoff=0
[2.024]fldo2_vol = 1100, onoff=1
[2.027]gpio0_vol = 3000, onoff=0
[2.030]gpio1_vol = 2800, onoff=0
[2.033]find power_sply to end
[2.035]PMU: cpux 1008 Mhz,AXI=336 Mhz
PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB1=100 Mhz, APB1=50Mhz AHB2=100Mhz MBus=400Mhz
[2.047]fdt addr: 0x79cd86f0
[2.048]gd->fdt_size: 0x13bc0
Relocation Offset is: 34dc2000
gic: sec monitor mode
[2.106]power on cpu1
[2.106][cpu1]task entry
[2.106][cpu1]PowerBus = 2( 2:vBus 3:acBus other: not exist)
[2.111][cpu1]no battery exist
[2.114][cpu1]display init start
[2.116]power on cpu2
[2.119][cpu2]task entry
[2.123][cpu2]ready to work
[2.123]flash init start
[cpu2]bmp lzma decode err
[cpu1]init_clocks: finish init_clocks.
workmode = 0,storage type = 2
[2.130][cpu2]cpu 2 enter wfi mode
[cpu1]pwm_request:pwm number = 1
[2.136]MMC: 2
[cpu1]request pwm success, spwm0:pwm16:0x1f03800.
[2.143][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2018-5-23 16:07:00
[cpu1]Failed to parse hdmi_mode from dts
[2.154][mmc]: get sdc2 sdc_wp fail.
[cpu1]fetch hdmi pixel clk err.
[2.159][mmc]: get sdc2 sdc_hc_cap_unit fail.
[2.166][mmc]: get sdc_ex_dly_used 2, use auto tuning sdly
[2.169][cpu1]enable power vcc-hdmi-33, ret=0
[2.171][mmc]: get sdc2 sdc_ffu_en fail.
[2.185][mmc]: media type 0x8000000
[2.185][mmc]: Try MMC card 2
[2.203][mmc]: *****grp info 4000 4000 400 400
[2.203][mmc]: def wp_grp_size 4000
[2.205][mmc]: wp_grp_size 0x4000
[2.208][mmc]: *****grp info 4000 4000 400 400
[2.218][mmc]: host caps: 0x6f
[2.220][mmc]: MID 000045 PSN 89d61600
[2.220][mmc]: PNM DG4008 -- 0x44-47-34-30-30
[2.222][mmc]: PRV 0.1
[2.224][mmc]: MDT m-6 y-2017
[2.227][mmc]: MMC v5.1
[2.229][mmc]: user capacity : 7457 MB
[2.233][mmc]: wp_grp_size: 0x4000 sector
[2.236][mmc]: don't support write protect operation!!
[2.241][mmc]: SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!
[2.247][mmc]: Best spd md: 2-HSDDR52/DDR50, freq: 2-50000000
[2.250][mmc]: Bus width 8
[2.252][mmc]: EOL Info(Rev blks): Normal
[2.255][mmc]: Wear out(type A): [2.258][mmc]: 0%-10% life time used
[2.261][mmc]: Wear out(type B): [2.264][mmc]: 0%-10% life time used
[2.267][mmc]: End mmc_init_boot
[2.270]sunxi flash init ok
[2.274]GPT partition init ok
read item0 copy0
the secure storage item0 copy0 is good
no item name widevine in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read widevine fail
[cpu1]drv_disp_init finish
[2.288]secure storage read fail
[2.294]Widevine key install fail !!!
no item name ec_key in the map
sunxi storage read fail
[2.310][cpu1]fetch script data boot_disp.auto_hpd fail
secure storage read ec_key fail
[2.317][cpu1]disp0 device type(1) enable
no item name rsa_key in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read rsa_key fail
[2.330][cpu1]enable power vcc-dsi-33, ret=0
no item name ec_cert1 in the map
[2.335][cpu1]disp 0, clk: pll(497000000),clk(497000000),dclk(71000000) dsi_rate)
clk real:pll(495000000),clk(495000000),dclk(70714285) dsi_rate(0)
sunxi storage read fail
[2.353][cpu1]enable power vcc-lcd, ret=0
secure storage read ec_cert1 fail
[2.358][cpu1]display init end
no item name ec_cert2 in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read ec_cert2 fail
no item name ec_cert3 in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read ec_cert3 fail
no item name rsa_cert1 in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read rsa_cert1 fail
no item name rsa_cert2 in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read rsa_cert2 fail
no item name rsa_cert3 in the map
sunxi storage read fail
secure storage read rsa_cert3 fail
[2.405]keymasters key install finish
[2.408]flash init end
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
Get boardid faile
check boardid faile,will used default soccfg and dtb!
[2.420]try to burn key
no item name key_burned_flag in the map
sunxi storage read fail
sunxi secure storage has no flag
[2.430]usb burn from boot
delay time 0
[2.513]usb prepare ok
[cpu1]FDT ERROR:fdt_get_all_pin:get property handle pinctrl-0 error:<unknown er>
[cpu1]sunxi_pwm_pin_set_state, fdt_set_all_pin, ret=-1
[3.344]do_burn_from_boot usb : no usb exist
name in map device_unlock
the secure storage item2 copy0 is good
name in map fastboot_status_flag
the secure storage item1 copy0 is good
find fastboot locked flag
root_partition is rootfs
--------fastboot partitions--------
-total partitions:9-
-name- -start- -size-
UDISK : 11400000 bf9cbc00
boot-res : 1000000 100000
env : 1100000 100000
boot : 1200000 1000000
rootfs : 2200000 a000000
rootfs_data : c200000 3000000
private : f200000 100000
recovery : f300000 2000000
misc : 11300000 100000
set root to /dev/mmcblk0p5
[3.411]base bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal
[3.415]bootcmd set setargs_mmc
[3.418]key -1
[3.419]recovery key high 12, low 10
[3.422]fastboot key high 6, low 4
[3.425]misc partition found
[3.431]to be run cmd=run setargs_mmc boot_normal
[3.433][mmc]: hsddr 2-50000000
[3.435][mmc]: get max-frequency ok 100000000 Hz
[3.439][mmc]: 1 1 0: 1 1 0
[3.442][mmc]: delete mmc-hs400-1_8v from dtb
[3.446][mmc]: delete mmc-hs200-1_8v from dtb
[3.450][mmc]: get max-frequency ok 50000000 Hz
[3.459]update dtb dram start
[3.462]update dtb dram end
no item name ota in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name boot_partition in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name rootwait init in the map
sunxi storage read fail
no item name rdinit in the map
sunxi storage read fail
[3.484]sunxi_serial: sn_filename is not set
[3.488]serial num is: 940503441101c03074b
[3.492]inter uboot shell
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Unknown command 'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss'
Unknown command 'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss'
Unknown command 'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss'
输入命令Xefuse_read rotpk
sunxi#efuse_read rotpk
try to read rotpk
buffer addr=0x79c89578
read key start
key name = rotpk
key index = 0x64
90 fa 80 f1 54 49 51 2a 8a 4 23 97 6 6f 5f 78
b 6c 8f 89 21 98 e8 d1 ba a4 2e b6 ce d1 76 f3
read efuse key [rotpk] failed