在编程里面我们经常会遇到编历一个列表或数组做同一件事情或操作,当这个数组或列表很大时又或是需要进行很复杂的操作时,就会花费很长的时间。以前我就在想能不能在这种情况下使用多线程的方式提高效率,可惜一直都没机会和动力(实际需要)去研究。今天在网上查找资料,很偶然的发现.NET Framework 4.0中平行算法相关内容(Parallel.For、Parallel.Foreach),原来.NET已经实现这项功能而且语法简化的异常简单。具体内容请大家查阅参考资料,下面将贴出我的测试结果与大家共享。
PS:首先确认开发环境(VS2010+.NET Framework 4)
static void Main(string[] args) { //产生测试资料 List<int> testData = new List<int>(); Random Rand = new Random(); //产生乱数列表 for (int i = 0; i < 2147400; i++) { testData.Add(Rand.Next(1000)); } //打印正确结果 Console.WriteLine(testData.Sum());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.WriteLine(); TestFor(testData); TestParallelFor(testData); TestParallelForeach(testData); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void TestFor(List<int> testData) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; //记录结果用 long resultData = 0; foreach (var item in testData) { resultData += item; } Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“ForEach: \t\t{0} in {1}”, resultData, (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void TestParallelFor(List<int> testData) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; //记录结果用 long resultData = 0; Parallel.For(0, testData.Count , (i, loopState) => { resultData += testData[i]; }); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Parallel.For: \t{0} in {1}”, resultData, (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void TestParallelForeach(List<int> testData) { //记录结果用 DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; long resultData = 0; Parallel.ForEach(testData, (item, loopState) => { resultData += item; }); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Parallel.ForEach:\t{0} in {1}”, resultData, (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //产生测试资料 List<int> testData = new List<int>(); Random Rand = new Random(); //产生乱数列表 for (int i = 0; i < 2147401; i++) { testData.Add(Rand.Next(1000)); } //打印正确结果 Console.WriteLine(testData.Sum());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.WriteLine(); TestFor(testData); TestParallelFor(testData); TestParallelForeach(testData); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void TestFor(List<int> testData) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; //记录结果用 List<int> resultData = new List<int>(); foreach (var item in testData) { resultData.Add(item); } Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“ForEach: \t\t{0} in {1}”, resultData.Sum(), (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void TestParallelFor(List<int> testData) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; //记录结果用 ConcurrentStack<int> resultData = new ConcurrentStack<int>(); Parallel.For(0, testData.Count, (i, loopState) => { resultData.Push(testData[i]); }); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Parallel.For: \t{0} in {1}”, resultData.Sum(), (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void TestParallelForeach(List<int> testData) { //记录结果用 DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; ConcurrentStack<int> resultData = new ConcurrentStack<int>(); Parallel.ForEach(testData, (item, loopState) => { resultData.Push(item); }); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Parallel.ForEach:\t{0} in {1}”, resultData.Sum(), (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
再仔细分析一下,第一轮测试与第二轮的测试结果,虽然第一轮测试Parallel.For、Parallel.Foreach计算错误,但好歹执行效率上与Foreach相差不大,那么效率应该是出在了ConcurrentStack.Push上了。(这是因为在 .Net 3.5 之前所提供的所有 Collections 都不是线程安全的,必須使用.Net 4.0 , System.Collections.Concurrent Namespace 下的泛型)于是有了以下的第三轮测试~~~~
static void Main(string[] args) { //产生测试资料 List<int> testData = new List<int>(); Random Rand = new Random(); //产生乱数列表 for (int i = 0; i < 2147401; i++) { testData.Add(Rand.Next(1000)); } //打印正确结果 Console.WriteLine(testData.Sum());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.WriteLine(); TestFor(testData); TestParallelFor(testData); TestParallelForeach(testData); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void TestFor(List<int> testData) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; foreach (var item in testData) { item.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“ForEach: \t\t{0} in {1}”, testData.Sum(), (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void TestParallelFor(List<int> testData) { DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; Parallel.For(0, testData.Count, (i, loopState) => { testData[i].ToString(); }); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Parallel.For: \t{0} in {1}”, testData.Sum(), (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
static void TestParallelForeach(List<int> testData) { //记录结果用 DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now; ConcurrentStack<int> resultData = new ConcurrentStack<int>(); Parallel.ForEach(testData, (item, loopState) => { item.ToString(); }); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Parallel.ForEach:\t{0} in {1}”, testData.Sum(), (DateTime.Now – time1).TotalMilliseconds)); }
How to: Write a Simple Parallel.For Loop
How to: Write a Simple Parallel.ForEach Loop
Introducing ConcurrentStack < T >
System.Collections.Concurrent Namespace
The Parallel Programming Of .NET Framework 4.0(1) – Beginning
The Parallel Programming Of .NET Framework 4.0(2) – Task Library
The Parallel Programming Of .NET Framework 4.0(3) – Deep Into Task Library
The Parallel Programming Of .NET Framework 4.0(4) – Inside Out Of Task Library
The Parallel Programming Of .NET Framework 4.0(5) – Dive to Parallel Programming