社区首页 >专栏 >3个有用的树莓派网络项目


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修改2021-01-29 10:13:04
修改2021-01-29 10:13:04



我还应该指出,这些项目都在其蓝图中包含Linux(我知道令人震惊)。由于这是初步阶段,我们现在可以将具体的分配留白。不过,你可以放心,我们可能运行树莓派的任何服务都需要依靠在 Linux 基础上。






使用一个名为动态DNS(DDNS)的特殊DNS条目,一旦你将路由器与域关联,它将随着路由器的广域网IP的变化而自动更新自己。这样,你的域将始终指向当前分配给路由器的任何广域网 IP。



例如,假设你的路由器在广域网上是5.6.7.8。假设你的路由器的局域网 IP 是,而 树莓派 的局域网 IP 是。如果你想从地球上任何地方将SSH放入树莓派中,你会在192.168.1.37上设置端口22正常打开。然后,你的路由器将192.168.1.37上的端口22映射到(例如)其广域网IP(上的端口2222。

再说一遍,它还有很多,但本质上这就是 树莓派 网络配置的方式。




我的树莓派实验列表的首位是创建一个 VPN 服务器。当你可以免费通过时,为什么要为云VPN付费?不管怎样,我们大多数人都会把最好的东西,无论是物理的还是数字的,都留在家里。一旦你输入家庭VPN,你可以访问媒体文件、备份或局域网上的其他任何东西。

在这种安排中,你的树莓派是 VPN 服务器,你想要连接到它的最终用户设备,例如笔记本电脑或移动设备,是客户端。你的树莓派驻留在局域网上,路由器将 树莓派 VPN 端口映射到其广域网 IP 上的端口。拨开你家的IP和端口,出示所需的密钥,你将打开一条加密线路返回总部。


这个项目是唯一的,因为它不提供服务(服务器也不提供服务),但它方便了现有服务的使用。当转换为透明的VPN代理时,你的树莓派将成为便携式安全设备,自动为你的其他设备提供 VPN 保护。

要构建透明代理,首先你需要确保你的树莓派有两个无线接口。树莓派机型最多只有一个无线接口,因此你必须至少用一台连接USB 的无线设备。其次,你需要VPN的服务。如果你的VPN是上面描述的服务器,我想你需要另一个树莓派。


要做到这一点,请将树莓派配置为接入点 (AP) 和 VPN 客户端。它的AP是用来做什么的?可疑的网络。它作为VPN客户端的作用与你预期一样工作,其流量加密到VPN服务器。

当你的最终用户设备连接到树莓派AP 时,就会发生有趣的事情。由于树莓派的流量是最终用户设备的流量(与典型的 AP 一样),并且树莓派的流量也是加密的,因此你的最终用户设备流量是经过了传输加密的。但是,你无需更改最终用户设备上的任何设置即可获得加密。你的笔记本电脑或移动设备只是认为它处于正常网络上。更好的是,它从未与粗略的网络互动过。很巧妙,是吧?







原文题目:3 Helpful Networking Projects for Your Raspberry Pi

原文:In spite of being a beloved companion to computer hobbyists the world over, the Raspberry Pi doesn't get enough credit. In fact, single-board computers of all stripes haven't gotten their due -- I just happen to have a Raspberry Pi. It was upon casting a stray glance into the corner of my room where my Pi is, churning away on the previous task I assigned it, that I pondered all the loftier projects I have in mind for it.

It will probably be a while before I tackle those grand designs. But the next best thing to following my dreams is to share them. The ideas here are charcoal sketches, not full illustrations, but they yield a rough picture.

I should also note that these projects all contain Linux in their blueprints (shocking, I know). As this is the preliminary stage, we can leave the exact distribution blank for now. You can safely trust, though, that any services we might need our Pi to run will fasten flush onto a Linux base.

You Can't Phone Home if You Don't Have the Number

Two of the three projects below will require server configuration -- and because servers are most useful when accessible on the wider Internet, this also entails some network tinkering. Specifically, whenever you want to reach your own private network from the outside, you will need to nail down the IP address and ports on the Internet-facing side.

First, figure out what your IP address is and whether it is dynamic or static on the wide area network (WAN). For our purposes, treat our WAN as the Internet. If your WAN IP is static, great. It will always be the same (as long as you pay your ISP on time), so you can start working on ports.

However, if your WAN IP is dynamic, meaning it changes periodically, there are additional steps. You will need to register a domain for it, and then get the global DNS infrastructure to honor that. Easy! In a nutshell, this involves registering a domain, like you would for a website, but setting it to your home's WAN IP address.

But if your WAN IP address constantly changes how does this solve anything?

With a special DNS entry called Dynamic DNS (DDNS), once you associate your router with your domain, it will automatically update itself as your router's WAN IP changes. This way, your domain will always point to whatever WAN IP is currently assigned to your router.

When you want to access your LAN from the Internet, instead of entering an IP address you would input your domain. DNS then resolves it to your WAN IP, and you're all set. Any further detail is beyond the scope of this article, but that's the gist.

No matter which IP adventure you chose, you then have to decide what ports to open on your router's WAN IP. If we liken IP addresses to postal addresses, think of ports as unit numbers. Basically, your Pi will sit on your network with its service opening up whichever of its own ports it needs, and your router will map that Pi port to one of the router's WAN-facing ports. If you hit the right port on your WAN IP (the router), your router will pass the traffic to your Pi, on its associated port, on the LAN. Appropriately enough, this is called "port mapping" or "port forwarding."

For example, imagine your router is on the WAN. Let's say your router's LAN IP is and your Pi's LAN IP is If you wanted to SSH into your Pi from anywhere on the planet, you would set port 22 on to be open as normal. Your router would then map port 22 on to (for instance) port 2222 on its WAN IP,

Again, there's a lot more to it, but that's essentially how network configuration for your Pi goes.

To the Drawing Board

With our prep work out of the way, let's cook up some Pi recipes.

1. VPN Server

At the top of my list of Pi experiments is creating a VPN server. Why pay for a cloud VPN when you can tunnel home for free? Most of us leave our best stuff, physical and digital, at home anyway. Once you punch into your home VPN, you can access media files, backups, or anything else squirreled on your LAN.

In this arrangement, your Pi is the VPN server, and the end-user devices you want to connect to it, e.g. laptops or mobile devices, are the clients. Your Pi resides on your LAN, with your router mapping the Pi VPN port to a port on its WAN IP. Dial your home's IP and port, present the required key, and you will open an encrypted line back to home base.

2. Transparent VPN Proxy

This project is unique because it doesn't provide a service (and so isn't a server), but it facilitates the use of an existing service. When converted to a transparent VPN proxy, your Pi becomes a portable security device that automatically confers VPN protection on your other devices.

To build your transparent proxy, first you will need to ensure that your Pi has two wireless interfaces. Pi models come with, at most, one wireless interface, so you'll have to pick up at least one USB-connected wireless device. Second, you'll need a VPN service. If your VPN was the server described above, I guess you'll need another Pi.

A transparent VPN proxy is designed to solve the problem of not trusting a network enough to connect your end-user devices directly to it, but still needing connectivity. In essence, the proxy device does so by interposing itself between the untrusted network and end-user device, and then routes the end-user device through your VPN of choice. This leaves the untrusted network carrying purely encrypted traffic.

To pull this off, you configure your Pi as an access point (AP) and as a VPN client. What is it an AP for? The suspect network. Its role as a VPN client works as you would expect, with its traffic encrypted to the VPN server.

The interesting stuff happens when your end-user device connects to the Pi AP. Because the Pi's traffic is the end-user device's traffic (as with typical APs), and the Pi's traffic is also encrypted, your end-user device traffic is transitively encrypted. But you get that encryption without altering any settings on the end-user device. Your laptop or mobile device just thinks it's on a normal network. Even better, at no point has it ever interacted with the sketchy network. Neat trick, huh?

3. File Storage Server

We're back to server mode here, so the networking prerequisites are back in force.

A Pi file storage server can stand in for cloud storage while offering added perks. The general concept is that, like with the VPN, it lives on your LAN with its file service port mapped to a port on your router's WAN IP. You then access the file server by punching in your home router's IP and port, plus the server username and password, into your network storage client program and you throw open your vault of stashed files.

The advantages of running your own networked file storage are substantial. For one thing, you can store way more data. Want more space? Attach a bigger hard drive. For another, you own the infrastructure. You're not entrusting your data to some company, but to your own hardware and open-source software -- and it costs much less. You really only sink one-time costs into the Pi and hard drive, and just pay for electricity.

On Your Mark, Get Set, Boot!

Those aren't even all the schemes I've concocted for my Pi, but they are the ones I'm most excited about and that I thought others might find most intriguing. You'll definitely know when I get around to these, since I'm certain to share my findings. Until then, I hope these give you raspberry-flavored food for thought. 


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0 条评论
VPN 连接
VPN 连接(VPN Connections)是一种基于网络隧道技术,实现本地数据中心与腾讯云上资源连通的传输服务,它能帮您在 Internet 上快速构建一条安全、可靠的加密通道。VPN 连接具有配置简单,云端配置实时生效、可靠性高等特点,其网关可用性达到 99.95%,保证稳定、持续的业务连接,帮您轻松实现异地容灾、混合云部署等复杂业务场景。
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