百度最近开源了一个新的关于主题模型的项目。文档主题推断工具、语义匹配计算工具以及基于工业级语料训练的三种主题模型:Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)、SentenceLDA 和Topical Word Embedding(TWE)。 .
帮Familia,打个小广告~ Familia的github 主题模型在工业界的应用范式可以抽象为两大类: 语义表示和语义匹配。
- 短文本-长文本相似度计算,使用场景包括文档关键词抽取、计算搜索引擎查询和网页的相似度等等。
- 长文本-长文本相似度计算,使用场景包括计算两篇文档的相似度、计算用户画像和新闻的相似度等等。
Zhiyuan Liu老师的文章,paper下载以及github In this way, contextual word embeddings can be flexibly obtained to measure contextual word similarity. We can also build document representations.
请输入主题编号(0-10000): 105
Embedding Result Multinomial Result
对话 对话
磋商 合作
合作 中国
非方 磋商
探讨 交流
对话会议 联合
议题 国家
中方 讨论
对话会 支持
交流 包括
import gensim #modified gensim version
import pre_process # read the wordmap and the tassgin file and create the sentence
import sys
if __name__=="__main__":
if len(sys.argv)!=4:
print "Usage : python train.py wordmap tassign topic_number"
wordmapfile = sys.argv[1]
tassignfile = sys.argv[2]
topic_number = int(sys.argv[3])
id2word = pre_process.load_id2word(wordmapfile)
pre_process.load_sentences(tassignfile, id2word)
sentence_word = gensim.models.word2vec.LineSentence("tmp/word.file")
print "Training the word vector..."
w = gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentence_word,size=400, workers=20)
sentence = gensim.models.word2vec.CombinedSentence("tmp/word.file","tmp/topic.file")
print "Training the topic vector..."
w.train_topic(topic_number, sentence)
print "Saving the topic vectors..."
print "Saving the word vectors..."
paper链接 + github:balikasg/topicModelling
an extension of LDA whose goal is to overcome this limitation by incorporating the structure of the text in the generative and inference processes.
LDA and senLDA differ in that the second assumes a very strong dependence of the latent topics between the words of sentences, whereas the first ssumes independence between the words of documents in general
We illustrate the advantages of sentenceLDA by comparing it with LDA using both intrinsic (perplexity) and extrinsic (text classification) evaluation tasks on different text collections
https://github.com/balikasg/topicModelling/tree/master/senLDA 截取一部分code:
import numpy as np, vocabulary_sentenceLayer, string, nltk.data, sys, codecs, json, time
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
from lda_sentenceLayer import lda_gibbs_sampling1
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split, StratifiedKFold
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from functions import *
path2training = sys.argv[1]
training = codecs.open(path2training, 'r', encoding='utf8').read().splitlines()
topics = int(sys.argv[2])
alpha, beta = 0.5 / float(topics), 0.5 / float(topics)
voca_en = vocabulary_sentenceLayer.VocabularySentenceLayer(set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')), WordNetLemmatizer(), excluds_stopwords=True)
ldaTrainingData = change_raw_2_lda_input(training, voca_en, True)
ldaTrainingData = voca_en.cut_low_freq(ldaTrainingData, 1)
iterations = 201
classificationData, y = load_classification_data(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])
classificationData = change_raw_2_lda_input(classificationData, voca_en, False)
classificationData = voca_en.cut_low_freq(classificationData, 1)
final_acc, final_mif, final_perpl, final_ar, final_nmi, final_p, final_r, final_f = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
start = time.time()
for j in range(5):
perpl, cnt, acc, mif, ar, nmi, p, r, f = [], 0, [], [], [], [], [], [], []
lda = lda_gibbs_sampling1(K=topics, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, docs= ldaTrainingData, V=voca_en.size())
for i in range(iterations):
if i % 5 == 0:
print "Iteration:", i, "Perplexity:", lda.perplexity()
features = lda.heldOutPerplexity(classificationData, 3)
print "Held-out:", features[0]
scores = perform_class(features[1], y)
请输入主题编号(0-1999): 105
对话 0.189676
合作 0.0805558
中国 0.0276284
磋商 0.0269797
交流 0.021069
联合 0.0208559
国家 0.0183163
讨论 0.0154165
支持 0.0146714
包括 0.014198
第二列的数值表示词在该主题下的重要程度。 SentenceLDA结果:
请输入主题编号(0-1999): 105
浙江 0.0300595
浙江省 0.0290975
宁波 0.0195277
记者 0.0174735
宁波市 0.0132504
长春市 0.0123353
街道 0.0107271
吉林省 0.00954326
金华 0.00772971
公安局 0.00678163
SentenceLDA和CopulaLDA同一作者,可见github:balikasg/topicModelling 没细看,来贴效果好了: