Deloitte released the "Connecting and Mobile Trends 2020" report, and American consumers are ready to accept more wireless connections, whether on the move or at home.
Almost two-thirds of consumers are already familiar with 5G. Among the youngest two generations, awareness is over 70%; only 5% of respondents have never heard of 5G. Nearly half of consumers and 62% of Gen Z consider wireless connections as fast as fiber broadband to be "very" or "extremely" valuable.
The first batch of 5G compatible smartphones will be available in 2019, with more products planned for 2020. As 5G coverage expands, the demand for 5G smartphones will grow: 28% of consumers say that when services are available in their area, they are "very likely" to buy 5G smartphones. About 40% of Gen Z and millennials said so. Nearly 90% of respondents own or use a smartphone, and 52% of consumers spend more than two hours a day on a smartphone.
Deloitte's survey revealed that the average home has 11 connected devices, including 7 screen-capable devices that can view content. 28% of consumers are using smart home devices such as connected thermostats, cameras and lighting.
Although consumers welcome more connected devices and online services into their lives and homes, they have realized and started paying attention to how their personal data is collected and sold, and they want more control. More than 90% of respondents said they should be able to view and delete personal data collected by the company. They also want compensation: 84% of consumers think they deserve compensation from companies that profit from their data.
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