

(Image via chinarta.com )

➤Unmanned taxis now on the streets of Guangzhou


➤2018 China (Guangdong) – Korea Friendship Week held in Guangzhou

2018中国(广东)—韩国友好周在广州举行, 探索和深化广东与韩国的交流合作

➤China reaches out to Latin America for more business


Unmanned taxis now on the streets of Guangzhou

(Image via sohu.com)

On November 1st, China’s first autonomous taxi set off for a trial operation period at the Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center. Despite being equipped with the latest in technology, the driverless taxi will employ the same taxi fare standard as regular taxis.

A fleet of self-driving taxis will undergo trial operations each day from 2 pm to 4 pm and staff from the company responsible for the taxis will be posted at Exit C of the Higher Education Mega Center North metro station and the main entrance of Guangzhou University to help guide the public in using the service.

(Image via sohu.com)

This new development brings Guangzhou to the forefront of cutting-edge transport technology and means Guangzhou now ranks in as one of the world’s leaders in the automated taxi industry. Residents can reserve the taxi through an app or in WeChat.

2018 China (Guangdong) – Korea Friendship Week held in Guangzhou

Images via embassy of the republic of Korea in people's republic in China

The China (Guangdong Province) • Korea Friendship Week event was unveiled in Guangzhou yesterday. South Korean Ambassador to China, Noh Youngmin, and Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, Chen Liangxian, attended the opening ceremony. Noh Youngmin then visited Sun Yat-sen University to give a speech themed around “Korea-China Relations.”

(Images via nipic.com; veer.com)

Chen Liangxian expressed that Guangdong accounts for a quarter of all trade between China and South Korea. Also, Huizhou has established the China-Korea (Huizhou) Industrial Park, and there is further room for growth in bilateral trade and cooperation.

Ambassador Noh Youngmin expressed that this year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, as well as the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Korea-China strategic partnership.

SZ becomes 6th Chinese city with Ethiopian Airlines connection

(Images via WeChat Account:澳商圈)

The 12th China-Latin American Business Summit opened in Zhuhai City in Guangdong Province on Thursday, involving 1,200 participants who will be involved in discussions covering infrastructure, finance and trade cooperation.

(Image via WeChat Account:珠海大横琴投资有限公司)

The summit is themed “seizing new opportunities through a China-Latin America partnership under the Belt and Road initiative.”

China is Latin America’s second largest trade partner, with the trade volume hitting 200 billion US dollars in 2017, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

News Written by Hazza, Rachel & Nicole

News Edited by Hazza

Posted by Rachel

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