Laminar flow
The laminar boundary layer is a verysmoothflow,createsless skin frictiondragthan the turbulent flow but isless stable. Boundary layer flow over a wing surfacebegins as a smooth laminar flow.As the flow continues back from the leading edge, the laminar boundary layer increases in thickness.
Turbulent flow &transition region
At some distance back from the leading edge, the smooth laminar flowbreaks downand transitions to a turbulent flow. It is advisable to have the transition from laminar to turbulent flowas far aft on the wing as possibleor have a large amount of the wing surface within the laminar portion of the boundary layer.
Airflow separtion
Airflow separation occurs when the airflow breaks away from an airfoil. Thenatural progressionis from laminar boundary layer to turbulent boundary layer and then to airflow separation. Airflow separation produceshigh drag and ultimately destroys lift. Theboundary layer separation pointmoves forward on the wing as the angle of attack (AOA) is increased.
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