Beijing Cleantech Hackathon
Registration is closed, good luck to all the competitors!
October 20 9am - 9pm
October 21 9am - 2pm
Location: Innnoway
Haidian Street 48, Bldg 6, Beijing Haidian District
Announcing our Judges
Big thank-you to our sponsors and partners!
About the Organizers | 关于主办方
Founded in 2008, The Beijing Energy Network (BEN) is a professional network with a mission of promoting knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration in understanding and tackling China’s energy and environmental challenges. The flagship activity of BEN is the Beijing Energy & Environmental Roundtable (BEER), an approximately twice-monthly happy hour/speaker series. BEER events are usually free or low cost and open to all.
北京能源网络(BEN)是一个旨在加深对中国环境问题的理解和提供解决思路的专业合作平台.该平台定期举办活动来建立北京环保专业人士的联系。The flagship活动是每两个月一次的北京能源和环境圆桌活动,现场会以讨论或系列讲座的形式为主。该活动向所有人开放,入场费低。注:除特殊情况外,活动发言人在现场的所有发言将为非正式,并不留存当。
New Energy Nexus is a global network of clean energy incubators and accelerators. We facilitate collaboration and innovation between startups, accelerators, and industry around the world. Currently New Energy Nexus connects 88 incubators and accelerators from 29 different countries around the world. New Energy Nexus is founded and managed by the California Clean Energy Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting clean energy startups headquartered in Oakland California. New Energy Nexus has additional offices in Shanghai and Singapore.
NewEnergy Nexus 成立于 2016年一月,是以加州清洁能源基金会为资源支撑的项目运营者和服务提供者,致力于清洁能源技术的发掘、流通、普及与应用。
NewEnergy Nexus 组织运营遍布全球的加速器和能源解决方案项目,项目包括与德国技术合作公司(GIZ)合作孵化东南亚智慧能源初创公司;为全球能源相关企业按需寻找、匹配绿色解决方案;举办国际绿色能源平台交流峰会、编程马拉松(Hackathon)等。目前,公司运行的项目已为包括中国在内的全球 29个国家,20余家能源企业,88个孵化器和加速器以及上百余家初创企业间的合作搭建了桥梁。
NewEnergy Nexus合作伙伴-战略合作伙伴:亚洲发展银行,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,世界银行,加州能源署,加州湾区委员会等项目合作伙伴:德国技术合作公司GIZ,东京电力公司,新加坡能源有限公司,Origin,Powerhouse, Swissnex,AusNet,迪拜水电局,ElementalExcelerator,MaRs,大众,博世等
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