本文N年前发布过一次了,今天主要是在前面基础上增添QQ群里大师兄Tamas分享的一个在美国布鲁克黑文国家实验室(Brookhaven National Laboratory,简称BNL) 举行的workshop。 如果你感觉本文有帮助,欢迎转发扩散给周围做计算的筒子们。
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-Wv6TtAoapS-W1KiA2eh1Q 密码:0nnn
A 3-day VASP Workshop at NERSC (视频和PDF资料)
2016年11月份的时候,VASP课题组的Dr. Martijn Marsman在(National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center)做了一个三天VASP相关的workshop。虽然这个workshop远在万恶的美帝,而且还是前年的。跟我们屁大点的关系都没有了,想参加也没戏。但整个workshop把报告录制下来并上传到Youtube了。而且还附带了一些VASP官网的使用ppt。因此,对于使用VASP的人来说,看看该视频对提升自己的经验,理论高度会有很大的帮助。
NERSC will host a three-day workshop for the widely used materials science code,VASP, from Wednesday November 9, 2016 to Friday November 11, 2016 at the CRT building, Room 3101, at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. The presenter will be Martijn Marsman from University of Vienna,who is one of the main developers of the VASP code. The purpose of this workshop is to help VASP users at NERSC to learn and use VASP more efficiently at NERSC, and also to help them get ready for Cori Phase II, the Intel KNL based Cray XC system, which will be available to all NERSC users in next allocation year. The workshop features lectures and extensive hands-on tutorials with the MPI + OpenMP hybrid VASP code, and will be beneficial to all VASP users (from beginners to advanced users). The workshop will be open to both in-person and remote attendees. The in-person attendees will have a chance to work with the MPI + OpenMP hybrid VASP code on Cori Phase II system, and address questions and problems directly to Dr. Marsman.
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