《CPython Internals》学习第 13天,p232-p249 总结,总计 18 页。
(1)overhead: over-("above") + head(“top part, uppermost section”)
overhead的字面意思是:above the head,后来演变成"represent things situated above or metaphorically referring to additional costs".
adv. above the head.
adj. operating, lying, or comming from above. 示例: This room needs overhead lighting(这个房间需要顶灯).
n(c/u). business expenses(such as rent, insurance, or heating)not chargeable to a particular of the work.
(2)overhead costs vs direct costs
direct costs(直接支出/直接开销/直接成本):Costs that can be directly traced to a specific product(Example: raw materials, labor costs).
overhead costs(间接支出/间接开销/间接成本,同 indirect costs): Costs that can be not directly traced to a specific product but are necessary for general operations(Example: rent, insurance, heating)。
在计算机书籍里面,overhead 大多表示的也是“overhead costs”这个意思,会被笼统的翻译成“开销”。
Because the CPython interpreter process has a significant overhead, the Pool will consider each process in the pool a worker. If a worker has completed, it will be reused(《CPython Internals》第232页)。
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