卫视博每月从三大权威杂志:Retina、Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science、Ophthalmology中各推荐一篇眼科论文。
— — 最佳“RIO”论文推荐(10月)
Retina · 推荐
(Retina 44(10):p 1758-1765, October 2024.)
To evaluate the microstructural optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence imaging predictors of visual acuity, metamorphopsia, and aniseikonia following rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair.
This is a multicenter retrospective study of patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment who underwent repair. Best-corrected visual acuity, metamorphopsia, and aniseikonia were formally tested at 3 months postoperatively. Metamorphopsia and aniseikonia were quantitatively assessed with M-CHARTS and the New Aniseikonia Test, respectively. High-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence images were obtained at 3 months postoperatively. Images were assessed for discontinuity of the outer retinal bands on optical coherence tomography and retinal displacement detected by retinal vessel printings on fundus autofluorescence by two masked graders with disagreements adjudicated by a third senior masked grader. Multiple linear regression models were used to determine the predictors of postoperative visual acuity, metamorphopsia, and aniseikonia.
这是一项针对接受修复的原发性孔源性视网膜脱离患者的多中心回顾性研究。术后3个月正式测试最佳矫正视力、视物变形和双眼物像不相等情况。分别使用 M-CHARTS 和新 Aniseikonia 测试对变形视和 Aniseikonia 进行定量评估。术后3个月获得高分辨率谱域光学相干断层扫描和眼底自发荧光图像。由两名蒙面评分员对光学相干断层扫描图像上的视网膜外带不连续性和眼底自动荧光图像上的视网膜血管印迹检测到的视网膜移位进行评估,并由第三名高级蒙面评分员裁定分歧。使用多元线性回归模型来确定术后视力、视物变形和双眼物像不相等的预测因素。
Six hundred fourteen eyes of 614 patients were included in this study. Regression analysis indicated that significant early postoperative (at 3 months) imaging predictors of visual acuity were discontinuity of the external limiting membrane (P = 0.001) and the presence of retinal vessel printings on fundus autofluorescence (P = 0.033). Discontinuity of interdigitation zone was a significant predictor of metamorphopsia [horizontal metamorphopsia (P =0.004); vertical metamorphopsia (P = 0.056); average of horizontal metamorphopsia + vertical metamorphopsia (P = 0.008)], and presence of retinal vessel printings was a significant predictor of aniseikonia (P = 0.04).
本研究纳入了 614 名患者的 614 只眼睛。回归分析表明,术后早期(3 个月)视力的显着影像学预测因素是外界膜的不连续性(P= 0.001)和眼底自发荧光上视网膜血管印迹的存在(P= 0.033)。分叉区的不连续性是视物变形的重要预测因素[水平视物变形(P=0.004);垂直视物变形(P= 0.056);水平视物变形+垂直视物变形的平均值(P= 0.008)],并且视网膜血管印的存在是无视眼的显着预测因子(P= 0.04)。
Discontinuity of the external limiting membrane and retinal displacement were significant predictors of postoperative visual acuity following rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. Discontinuity of the interdigitation zone and retinal displacement were significant predictors of metamorphopsia and aniseikonia, respectively.
该研究的创新之处在于它是迄今为止规模最大的一项研究,它强调了有时微妙的成像生物标志物(如 ELM 和 IZ 的不连续性以及 FAF 上 RVPs 的存在)的重要性,这些标志物与 RRD 修复术后出现的视物变形、双眼物像不相等和 BCVA 降低有关,而这些患者并无其他严重的宏观结构异常。我们正在进入 RRD 修复管理的新时代。人们更加重视改善术后功能效果,而新型成像生物标志物的使用将使人们能够更好地了解各种功能障碍的病理生理基础。此外,了解哪些生物标志物最重要,能帮助人们了解如何修改手术技术,以降低出现这些解剖和功能障碍的风险。
Investigative Ophthalmology &
Visual Science · 推荐
Long-Term Impact of Diabetic Retinopathy on Response to Anti-VEGF Treatment in Neovascular AMD
(Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science August 2024, Vol.65, 6.)
糖尿病视网膜病变对新生血管性 AMD 抗 VEGF 治疗效果的长期影响
To explore the long-term effect of diabetic retinopathy on response to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment in age-related macular degeneration–associated type 1 macular neovascularization (MNV) using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA).
A total of 45 eyes with exudative neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) with type 1 MNV were included in the analysis. Among them, 24 eyes of 24 patients had no history of diabetes mellitus (DM) in their anamnesis and were assigned to the Not Diabetic group; 21 eyes of 21 patients had mild diabetic retinopathy and were included in the Diabetic group. We considered the following outcome measures: (1) best-corrected visual acuity changes; (2) central macular thickness; (3) MNV lesion area; and (4) MNV flow area. The OCTA acquisitions were performed at the following time points: (1) baseline visit, which corresponded to the day before the first injection; (2) post-loading phase (LP), which was scheduled at 1 month after the last LP injection; and (3) 12-month follow-up visit.
共45只1型MNV渗出性新生血管老年性黄斑变性(nAMD)眼纳入分析。其中24例患者24眼无糖尿病(DM)史,分为非糖尿病组;21例患者21眼为轻度糖尿病视网膜病变,纳入糖尿病组。我们考虑了以下结果指标:(1)最佳矫正视力变化;(2)黄斑中央厚度;(3) MNV病变区域;(4) MNV流量面积。OCTA采集在以下时间点进行:(1)基线随访,对应于第一次注射前一天;(2)加载后阶段(LP),计划在最后一次低压注射后1个月;(3)12个月的随访。
All morphofunctional parameters showed a significant improvement after the LP and at the 12-month follow-up visit. Specifically, both the Diabetic group and the Not Diabetic group displayed a significant reduction of MNV lesion areas at both the post-LP assessment (P = 0.026 and P = 0.016, respectively) and the 12-month follow-up (P = 0.039 and P = 0.025, respectively). Similarly, the MNV flow area was significantly decreased in both the Diabetic group and the Not Diabetic group at the post-LP assessment (P < 0.001 and P = 0.012, respectively) and at the 12-month follow-up (P = 0.01 and P = 0.035, respectively) compared to baseline. A smaller reduction in the MNV lesion area was observed in the Diabetic group at both the post-LP evaluation (P = 0.015) and the 12-month follow-up (P = 0.032). No other significant differences were found between the groups for the other parameters (P > 0.05).
所有形态功能参数在LP术后和随访12个月后均有显著改善。具体而言,糖尿病组和非糖尿病组在 LP 后评估(P = 0.026和P=0.016)和12个月随访(P = 0.039和P=0.025)均显示MNV病变区域显著减少。同样,与基线相比,糖尿病组和非糖尿病组后(P < 0.001和P=0.0.012)和12个月随访时(P = 0.01和P=0.035)的MNV流量面积均显著降低。在lp后的评估(P = 0.015)和12个月的随访(P = 0.032)中,糖尿病组的MNV病变面积缩小较小。其他参数在各组间无显著性差异(P > 0.05)。
Our results indicated that the Diabetic group exhibited a smaller reduction in MNV lesion area after 12 months of anti-VEGF treatment. This highlights the importance of considering diabetic retinopathy as a potential modifier of treatment outcomes in nAMD management, with DM serving as a crucial risk factor during anti-angiogenic treatment.
该研究结果表明,轻度 NPDR 患者对 nAMD 治疗的反应各不相同。具体来说,糖尿病组在接受一年的玻璃体腔治疗后,MNV 病变面积的缩小有限。这一观察结果强调了考虑这种差异反应的重要性,特别是因为基于 OCTA 的指标目前用于 nAMD 和 DR 的管理。
该研究的创新之处在于它首次全面调查了 DR 对接受抗 VEGF 治疗一年的患者中与 AMD 相关的 1 型 MNV 的纵向形态和功能变化的影响。利用 OCTA,揭示了 DR 组中 MNV 病变区域对玻璃体内治疗的不同反应。具体而言,糖尿病组在 12 个月后并未表现出 MNV 面积减少;相反,MNV 的面积基本保持不变。相比之下,非糖尿病组的 MNV大小持续减小。治疗一年后,糖尿病组的新生血管膜面积没有显着减少,这表明与非糖尿病组观察到的持续减少相比,治疗反应不同。这凸显了将 DR 视为 nAMD 管理中治疗结果的潜在调节因素的重要性,而 DM 则作为抗血管生成治疗期间需要考虑的危险因素。
Ophthalmology · 推荐
An Updated Simplified Severity Scale for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Incorporating Reticular Pseudodrusen: Age-Related Eye Disease Study Report Number 42
(Volume 131, Issue 10, October 2024, Pages 1164-1174)
包含网状假性黄斑变性的更新年龄相关性黄斑变性的简化严重程度量表:年龄相关性眼病研究报告第 42 号
To update the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) simplified severity scale for risk of late age-related macular degeneration (AMD), including incorporation of reticular pseudodrusen (RPD), and to perform external validation on the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2).
更新年龄相关眼病研究 (AREDS) 晚期年龄相关性黄斑变性 (AMD) 风险的简化严重程度量表,包括纳入网状假性黄斑变性(RPD),并对年龄相关眼病研究进行外部验证2(AREDS2)。
Five-year rates of progression to late AMD were calculated according to levels 0 to 4 on the simplified severity scale after 2 updates: (1) noncentral geographic atrophy (GA) considered part of the outcome, rather than a risk feature, and (2) scale separation according to RPD status (determined by validated deep learning grading of color fundus photographs).
根据简化严重程度量表的 0 至 4 级计算五年内发展为晚期 AMD 的比率,并进行了两项更新:(1) 将非中央地理萎缩(GA)视为结果的一部分,而不是风险特征;(2) 根据 RPD 状态(通过对彩色眼底照片进行有效的深度学习分级确定)将量表分开。
In the AREDS, after the first scale update, the 5-year rates of progression to late AMD for levels 0 to 4 were 0.3%, 4.5%, 12.9%, 32.2%, and 55.6%, respectively. As the final simplified severity scale, the 5-year progression rates for levels 0 to 4 were 0.3%, 4.3%, 11.6%, 26.7%, and 50.0%, respectively, for participants without RPD at baseline and 2.8%, 8.0%, 29.0%, 58.7%, and 72.2%, respectively, for participants with RPD at baseline. In external validation on the AREDS2, for levels 2 to 4, the progression rates were similar: 15.0%, 27.7%, and 45.7% (RPD absent) and 26.2%, 46.0%, and 73.0% (RPD present), respectively.
在 AREDS 中,经过第一次量表更新后,0 至 4 级的 5 年进展为晚期 AMD 的比率分别为 0.3%、4.5%、12.9%、32.2% 和 55.6%。作为最终的简化严重程度量表,基线时无 RPD 的参与者,0 至 4 级的 5 年进展率分别为 0.3%、4.3%、11.6%、26.7% 和 50.0%;基线时有 RPD 的参与者,5 年进展率分别为 2.8%、8.0%、29.0%、58.7% 和 72.2%。在 AREDS2 的外部验证中,2 至 4 级的进展率相似:分别为 15.0%、27.7% 和 45.7%(无 RPD)和 26.2%、46.0% 和 73.0%(有 RPD)。
The AREDS AMD simplified severity scale has been modernized with 2 important updates. The new scale for individuals without RPD has 5-year progression rates of approximately 0.5%, 4%, 12%, 25%, and 50%, such that the rates on the original scale remain accurate. The new scale for individuals with RPD has 5-year progression rates of approximately 3%, 8%, 30%, 60%, and 70%, that is, approximately double for most levels. This scale fits updated definitions of late AMD, has increased prognostic accuracy, seems generalizable to similar populations, but remains simple for broad risk categorization.
AREDS AMD 简化严重程度量表已通过 2 项重要更新进行了现代化改造。对于没有 RPD 的个体,新量表的 5 年进展率约为 0.5%、4%、12%、25% 和 50%,因此原始量表上的比率仍然准确。RPD 患者的新量表的 5 年进展率约为 3%、8%、30%、60% 和 70%,也就是说,大多数级别的进展率约为原来的两倍。该量表符合晚期 AMD 的最新定义,提高了预后准确性,似乎可以推广到类似人群,但对于广泛的风险分类来说仍然很简单。
在这项研究中,通过报告 AREDS 中发展为晚期 AMD 的 5 年比率,重建了新的 AREDS AMD 简化严重程度量表,并进行了两项重要更新。第一次更新包括将非中央地理萎缩问题重新定义为结果的一部分,而非风险的一部分。第二次更新是将 RPD 状态与其他风险特征一并考虑。针对无 RPD 患者的新量表的 5 年进展率(约 0.5%、4%、12%、约 25% 和约 50%)与原量表极为相似。因此,在没有 RPD 的情况下,医生可以继续使用这些值。在存在 RPD 的情况下,新量表的 5 年进展率较高(3%、8%、约 30%、约 60% 和约 70%),医生可以自行使用这些数值,也可以认为中间 3 级的风险约为两倍,但 0 级较高,4 级较低。在独立的 AREDS2 数据集上成功进行的外部验证证明了该量表的通用性。这一更新的严重程度量表实现了以下多重目标:(1) 适合晚期 AMD 的现代定义(即包括任何 GA);(2) 通过纳入 RPD 状态提高预后准确性;(3) 在常规临床实践中简单易用。
这项研究的创新性在于使用了 AREDS 数据集,该数据集包括从多个中心前瞻性招募的大量基线 AMD 严重程度非常广泛的个体,并对其进行了长期随访,从而提供了较高的进展到晚期 AMD 的事件发生率。因此,即使是基线 AMD 严重程度较低的参与者群体,也能计算出具有代表性的 5 年进展率。其他优势还包括在固定时间点标准化收集成像和数据,以及集中阅片中心分级。使用 AREDS2 作为第二个独立的数据集来验证更新后的量表也是一大优势。在实际应用中,原简化严重程度量表对无 RPD 的个体仍然有效是一个重要的优势,因此医生使用该量表仍然很简单。因此,简单性和预测准确性之间的平衡不会受到不利影响。
该研究的局限性在于,由于当时多模态成像技术尚未普及,阅片中心没有对 RPD 的存在进行分级。因此,RPD 的分级是通过基于深度学习的 CFP 分级来完成的。然而,RPD 算法训练的基本事实来自阅片中心对 FAF 图像的分级(在之前的研究中,仅从 CFPs 分级的特异性很高)。
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