如今的热点话题hot topic是如何通过异军突起的人工智能artificial intellligence来更好的实现鲨鱼监视surveillance以避免大规模large scale的无辜杀害slay....
为什么突然想起澳大利亚的粉红湖?Lake Hiller
Australia may be one of the few countries where scientific reports about great white sharks can regularly trigger fierce political debates. The country’sfatality死亡rate fromunprovoked未受挑衅的,就是你无缘无故就被咬了biteshark attacks is among the world’s highest. Over the last 10 years, Australia has averaged 2.1 deaths annually. That’s a very low risk, but still a concern for water-loving Australians who primarily live near the coasts—and that concern has traditionally been addressed witha suite of一套....what many critics have calledoverly过于aggressive solutions like shark nets or baited drum lines that have one summary purpose: killing sharks.
That has some officials and conservation advocates embracing newer shark-surveillance监视systems that promise to use artificial-intelligence techniques to automatically identify sharks in the water. The technology is in its early days, and manyhurdles障碍remain. But supporters of AI-assisted shark surveillance hope such systems might offer a middle ground for Australian political factions that frequently fight overlethal致命的versus nonlethal approaches to dealing with shark attacks. And as technology start-ups look topeddle宣传their innovations to hot spots for human-shark encounters not just in Australia, but from California to Cape Town, conservationists are hopeful thatthey might one day encourage a more peaceful coexistence共存 between sharks and humans in general.写环境保护的作文时必备的一句对不对 (win-win situation)
“很显然,沙滩游客和沙滩娱乐项目将通过鲨鱼减缓技术变得更安全,但对我们来说,不要一般地扰乱海洋生物也很重要,”悉尼科技大学讲师Nabin Sharma说。 。“这对鲨鱼和人类来说都是双赢的。”
bye~~~& nite✨
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