excel4j 是封装apache poi(后续可能添加jxl包)的功能,使用注解的方式,简化代码,同时也在公司项目中使用,近期将不断完善代码,增加功能,同时修复BUG。
该项目使用gradle构建,不熟悉的同学,请查看官方文档 https://docs.gradle.org/4.4.1/userguide/userguide.html.
1. 加入依赖
可以使用 maven
或者使用 gradle
2. 在javaBean中添加注解
3. Java bean 导出 excel 代码如下:
更多案例, 请看github中的代码 class ExportHelperTest.java
Excel 导入代码如下:
附: custom
you can custom transform handler, implement CellEntityValueHandler or extend other handler class. And then you just do this:
this transformHandler is your CustomDoubleTransformHandler
this project is just started(https://github.com/TruthBean/excel4j), I am glad to see you join。
first version, init project
add cell entity model’s super class support。
@Sheet(name = “测试SHEET”, bigTitle = “hello excel4j”)
public class CellEntityTest extends CommonEntityTest {
@Column(name = “ShortNum”, columnValue = @ColumnValue(type = CellValueType.NUMBER))
private long shortNum;
@Column(order = 3, name = “用户名”, width = 9000)
private String userName;
@Column(order = 5, name = “时间”, columnValue = @ColumnValue(type = CellValueType.DATE))
private Date time;
@Column(order = 4, name = “金额”, columnValue = @ColumnValue(type = CellValueType.NUMBER, transformHandler = BigDecimalTransformHandler.class))
private BigDecimal decimal;
public class CommonEntityTest {
get cell entity model filed value by invoke getter method
get map data from excel, get model (class) data from excel is not work, next version will handle it
领取专属 10元无门槛券
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