继续读《神奇树屋之木乃伊》的第四章Back from the Dead。
这一章主要介绍Jack和Annie进入金字塔后看到了一个白色的身影。Annie说是mummy, Jack说是盗墓者tomb robber,后来又出现一个身影。故事情节很简单,看看我们能从这章里学到哪些表达来提升文笔吧。
看这句:"不可能”, 杰克结结巴巴地说,“ 木乃伊不是活的。”
“不可能”我们会想到用No way, fat chance等,原句这里用forget it, forget it字面意思是忘了它,或许翻成算了吧,是非常常见的口语,往往表示不赞同对方的说法。另外,“结结巴巴地说”一般可以用stammer, 因此原句为:
"F-forget it," stammered Jack. "Mummies aren't alive."
这句中,我们可以学到“权杖”的英文表达:scepter, a scepter is a ceremonial or emblematic staff. staff这里指“棍子“,中国功夫里说的棍法,往往说成staff technique。原句为:
"It looks like ascepter," said Jack.
阅读中出现生词时,不必急着查词典,往往在生词的附近会有解释。在书中,annie就不知道scepter是啥,于是作为学霸的哥哥Jack解释说,It's a thing kings and queens carry. It means they have power over the people. 通常这是国王和女王拿着的东西。它意味着他们对人民有统治权。
“一阵冷风”中的一阵该怎么说呢?原句中使用了a whoosh of cold air, 其中的whoosh表示(风吹)呼呼,或(水流)哗哗,the sudden movement and sound of air or water rushing past, 例如:
There was a whoosh as everything went up in flames.
“向...袭来”,原句中使用了go through, 有穿透之意,强调杰克的每一寸肌肤都感受到了恐惧,every inch of Jack felt the terror. 因此,原句为:
Jack felt a whoosh of cold air. He looked up. A wave of terror went through him.
Her long white dress had many tiny pleats.
什么是pleat呢?Pleat is a permanent fold in a piece of cloth, made by sewing the top or side of the fold,表示“衣褶”, 例如:
Each pleat was stitched in place by hand.
“伸出”虽然简单,但不一定能表达得非常地道,原句中使用了hold out, 例如,我伸出了自己的胳膊,我们可以说:I held out my arms.
另一个值得注意的表达是“倒吸一口凉气”,对了,用的是gasp, 这里需要把gasp和gape对照学习。这两个词经常出现在英文通俗小说里,gasp表示“倒吸凉气“, to gasp is to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open, especially because you are suprised or in pain, 确切一点是指张着嘴深吸气,因为感到惊讶或痛苦。例如:
They gasped in astonishment at the news.
然而,gape一词是很容易让人把它和gasp搞混的,两个单词长得太像。实际上,gape就是look的升级词汇,to gape is to stare at something or somebody with your mouth open because you are shocked or surprised, 它表示张口结舌地看,或目瞪口呆地凝视,例如:
His secretary stopped taking notes to gape at me.
掌握了hold out, gasp的含义,那么要说得和原句一样就不难了:
Jack held out the scepter. His hand was trembling. He gasped. The scepter passed right through the lady's hand.
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