为什么重写will_paginate 相信很多同学在使用will_paginate的时候都会遇到这样一个问题: 自带分页样式太LOW了,有木有好看一点的,能不能自己定制呢。...于是我们在RubyGems搜索will_paginate的主题gem包。发现有各种各样主题的,但却找不到你想要的,怎么办? 本着自己动手丰衣足食的理念,我们开始动手改造will_paginate。...>chevron_right 分析will_paginate源码 将will_paginate的源码Clone到本地.../core_ext' require 'will_paginate/view_helpers' require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/link_renderer_base...恭喜你,完成了对will_paginate的修改。看看New吧
Use will_paginate to Seperate Pages It's a common practice to use pagination if there are too many stuff...And will_paginate is cool gem to solve this problem! Here is a simple guide to use....Add Gem First thing you need to do is to add will_paginate gem to you Gemfile....Just add gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.0.5' to your Gemfile and run bundle install and restart your server...], per_page: 7) end end Add Pagination to View Just add this line of code to your view page will_paginate
猴子补丁 在使用will_paginate的时候,分页的结构与样式与Materia UI的风格并不相符,并且没有找到合适的Gem,所以大胆的用起了打开类的法术,并且纪录了这一过程《 为什么重写will_paginate
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