1、在TOOLS->OPTIONS->Directories->Library files,加入你的LIB文件所在的目录,然后在Project->setting...
See 'git --help'. 3 4Did you mean this?...5 branch 6 7# fuck 8git branch 9* master 3、权限不够 1# apt-get install vim 2E: Could not open lock file.../var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) 3E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/...Done 4、忘记 sudo 1➜ apt-get install vim 2E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission...See 'git --help'. 3 4Did you mean this?
thefuck不仅能修复字符输入顺序的错误,在很多别的你想说fuck的情况下,thefuck依然有效,反正只要你因为命令的问题报错,就请fuck一下。...See 'git --help'. Did you mean this?...branch # fuck git branch * master 3、权限不够 # apt-get install vim E: Could not open lock file /var/lib.../dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg...~/.bashrc 最后使用fuck命令来纠正命令行拼写错误。
当你命令输入错误不要怕,直接来一句fuck,自动纠正你输入的命令。 在你输入错误的命令的时候,忍俊不禁的想来一句fuck,没错你不仅可以嘴上说,命令里面可以可以来一下,他丫的就矫正了。...image.png More examples: ➜ apt-get install vim E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open...E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the... – opens a file with an error in your $EDITOR; gem_unknown_command – fixes wrong gem commands; git_add...to address passed to open or create a new file or directory and passes it to open; pip_install – fixes
你可能遇到如下的错误提示(这取决于你的系统环境) ? ?...附:你可能会遇到的一些包依赖关系错误及解决方法 ① ERROR 1452 (23000) at line 8095: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign...# yum -y install libxml2-devel ④ configure: error: Invalid Net-SNMP directory - unable to find net-snmp-config...# yum -y install net-snmp-devel ##可通过yum provides PROGRAM_NAME反向查找 ⑤ configure: error: Unable to use....3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory # vi /etc/ld.so.conf include ld.so.conf.d
总结一下用源代码安装LAMP环境中遇到常见的错误,从错误3开始是因为安装php后面带参数,导到没有找到开发包例如:....解决方法:yum install ncurses --缺少ncurses安装包 2.1)安装gd库出现以下错误: In file included from /root/php-5.3.6...or ‘...’ before ‘FILE’ /usr/local/jpeg/include/jpeglib.h:939: error: expected declaration specifiers...or ‘...’ before ‘FILE’ make: *** [ext/gd/libgd/gd_compat.lo] Error 1 解决方法:vim php-5.3.6...to open logs [root@redhat1 bin]# 解决方法:80端口被占用了,杀掉占用80端口的进程 10.没有指定主机IP地址 [root@redhat1 bin]# .
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48568739/unable-to-open-file-for-reading-swift-ioexception-in-laravel-mailable...“Unable to open file for reading” (Swift_IoException) in Laravel Mailable I’m trying to use Mailable...An error returns as such: "message": "Unable to open file for reading [/public/storage/shipments/CJ2K4u6S6uluEGd8spOdYgwNkg8NgLFoC6cF6fm5...there and I can open it, I can even open it through an ajax popup to view details....$storagePath); Or maybe verify if file exist with FileSystem class. Hope this help you!
~/.bash_profile 添加source /opt/gpdb/greenplum_path.sh #source ~/.bash_profile # vim all_hosts_file 添加当前主机名称...初始化gp #su - gpadmin # cp docs/cli_help/gpconfigs/gpinitsystem_config ....-h seg_hosts_file 一路yes 三、启动 四、安装错误 安装错误 /tmp/cc4A3KMY.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/cc4A3KMY.s...** 初始化错误: # gpinitsystem -c gpinitsystem_config -h seg_hosts_file 20200911:14:08:09:043912 gpinitsystem...configuration parameters, please wait... 20200911:14:08:09:043912 gpinitsystem:SZD-BDL0014729:root-[FATAL]:-Unable
curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly错误的解决思路...下面记混了,不太对应 dirname: missing operand Try ‘dirname --help’ for more information....stat: cannot stat ‘/…/config/environment.rb’: No such file or directory su: Cannot fork user shell sudo...page: Cannot open '/usr/share/passenger/templates/error_renderer/with_details/dist/styles.css' for reading...sort=title&per_page=50 failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate at ClientRequest.
关于UPG错误: 可参考:Where are AutoUpgrade error codes documented?...一旦使用AutoUpgrade遇到错误情况,它将打印错误代码,例如UPG-1400或UPG-1303。 通常,此错误代码不是很有意义。 那么如何可以找到有关这些错误代码的更多信息。...= UPG-1317 ERROR1317.CAUSE = Required checkslist file unavailable; unable to run fixups ERROR1318...UPG-1408 ERROR1408.CAUSE = Unable to open pdb in upgrade mode ERROR1409.ERROR = UPG-1409 ERROR1409....CAUSE = Unable to open pdb in normal mode ERROR1410.ERROR = UPG-1410 ERROR1410.CAUSE = Unable to
--给出的决办法是确认错误号后的数据文件是否存在或可用,以及在open状态下执行ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES命令 3、解决 --尝试执行alter system check...* ERROR at line 1: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 6 - see DBWR trace file ORA-01110: data...at line 1: ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace SOE --查看对应的错误信息 --错误信息表明没有足够的连续空间分配初始...视图,给出文件未找到OFFLINE FILE NOT FOUND SQL> select * from v$recover_file; FILE# ONLINE ONLINE_ ERROR...数据文件丢失,数据文件的许可问题,如数据文件oracle用户没有写权限等都会产生ORA-01157。 如果open状态的情形下,ORA-01157未列出的数据文件不会受到影响。
Error from server: namespaces “kube-system” not found 复制 Error from server: namespaces "kube-system"...Unable to generate self signed cert: mkdir /var/run/kubernetes: permission denied 复制 Aug 12 11:07:05...master kube-apiserver[5336]: E0812 11:07:05.063837 5336 genericapiserver.go:702] Unable to generate...Aug 12 11:07:05 master kube-apiserver[5336]: E0812 11:07:05.064151 5336 genericapiserver.go:716] Unable...to listen for secure (open /var/run/kubernetes/apiserver.crt: no such file or directory); will try again
介绍 TheFuck 是一个用于纠正终端命令错误的超棒的应用程序。它可以帮助用户快速修复命令行错误,提高工作效率。...➜ apt-get install vim E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E...: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?...➜ fuck sudo apt-get install vim [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] [sudo] password for nvbn: Reading package lists......See 'git --help'. Did you mean this?
'vsftpdguest'; 5 创建虚拟账户的配置文件 mkdir /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd_user_conf cd /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd_user_conf vim...local_root=/ftp/ write_enable=YES virtual_use_local_privs=YES chmod_enable=YES 6 编辑验证文件 vim...但是我测试时,出现了错误,始终不能正常登录ftp。...PAM unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/pam_mysql.so) Sep 15 10:21:21 localhost vsftpd: PAM [error: libmysqlclient.so....16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] 由此,我开始有了头绪,既然说是没有 libmysqlclient.so.16
打个比方,当你在脚本执行时按 ctrl+c 退出,解释器就会产生一个 KeyboardInterrupt 异常。...raise error_codes.UNABLE_TO_UPVOTE raise error_codes.USER_HAS_BEEN_BANNED ... ......所以必须对它抛出的异常进行恰当的包装,避免未来的底层变更对 requests 用户端错误处理逻辑产生影响。 异常处理不应该喧宾夺主 在前面我们提到异常捕获要精准、抽象级别要一致。...error_codes.AVATAR_FILE_TOO_LARGE except ResizeAvatarError as e: raise error_codes.AVATAR_FILE_INVALID...'): resized_avatar_file = resize_avatar(avatar_file) with raise_api_error(Exception, 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
每当一个进程看到在事务的commit时,检查点文件中就将产生一个检查点。OGG的恢复进程总是以检查点作为起点。...今日运维在测试环境发现新上的一批采集器并不能处理相应的任务,查看日志发现采集器打印出来如下错误信息: 错误信息一 错误信息二 错误信息三 3 排查思路和解决方案 根据图一、图二这些错误日志信息,能看到的只是知道哪些文件出现了错误以及出现错误的排查方向...file" Error For Trail File Note: 1124403.1 When Replicat is Running but Not Applying Records Note...Note: 1159684.1 Extract abends,mss: missing trailing blocks, unable to queue I/O, I/O beyond file size...to lock file" Error For Trail File Note 1120793.1 How to Get More Information than from Just a
generic filesystem user client version print the version jar run a jar file...-a|-h] check native hadoop and compression libraries availability distcp copy file...for each daemon trace view and modify Hadoop tracing settings Most commands print help...11:26 /test [image.png] 启动时遇到的坑 一、sh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused 此时可能会出现如下错误...配置与启动yarn 配置mapred-site.xml cd $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/ cp mapred-site.xml.template mapred-site.xml vim
-11-11T09:47:14.257031091Z] Could not get operating system name: Error opening /usr/lib/os-release: open...启动失败 另外,docker启动过程中,可能没能启动containerd,出现下列错误。...See 'docker run --help'. root@vcu_trd:/run/test# docker-compose pull ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker...直接运行docker的hello-world ,出现下列错误。...operating system name: Error opening /usr/lib/os-release: open /usr/lib/os-release: no such file or directory
打个比方,当你在脚本执行时按 ctrl+c 退出,解释器就会产生一个 KeyboardInterrupt 异常。...raise error_codes.UNABLE_TO_UPVOTE raise error_codes.USER_HAS_BEEN_BANNED ... ......所以必须对它抛出的异常进行恰当的包装,避免未来的底层变更对 requests 用户端错误处理逻辑产生影响。 3. 异常处理不应该喧宾夺主 在前面我们提到异常捕获要精准、抽象级别要一致。..., 'AVATAR_FILE_NOT_PROVIDED'): avatar_file = request.FILES['avatar'] with raise_api_error...'): resized_avatar_file = resize_avatar(avatar_file) with raise_api_error(Exception, 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
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