大数据文摘作品,转载要求见文末 作者 | Will Knight 编译 | Clare、廖远舒、李钥 "Was that Sarcasm?" (刚刚那句话是在讽刺我吗?)...就像随时在twitter上举起的一支“sarcasm sign”。 对讽刺语言的了解可以帮助人工智能有效打击种族歧视、辱骂和骚扰。 翻看推特你会发现很多讽刺的评论-更不用说那些被误读的讽刺了。
millions of emojio ccurrences to learn any-domain represent ations for detecting sentiment, emotion and sarcasm
推理|分析|理解|解释(3篇) 【1】 Deep Multi-Task Model for Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Arabic Language...在前人的研究工作中,SA和sarcasm的检测是分开进行的,本文引入了一个端到端的深度多任务学习(MTL)模型,允许两个任务之间的知识交互。...结果表明,该模型在SA和sarcasm检测子任务上均优于单任务模型。...摘要:The prominence of figurative language devices, such as sarcasm and irony, poses serious challenges...While previous research works tackle SA and sarcasm detection separately, this paper introduces an end-to-end
Multimodal Sarcasm Explanation 标题:不错的香水。你在里面泡了多久?...摘要:Sarcasm is a pervading linguistic phenomenon and highly challenging to explain due to its subjectivity...In the multimodal setup, sarcasm is conveyed through the incongruity between the text and visual entities...Although recent approaches deal with sarcasm as a classification problem, it is unclear why an online...In this paper, we propose a novel problem -- Multimodal Sarcasm Explanation (MuSE) -- given a multimodal
words with asterisks or other characters.ChatGPT with Developer Mode enabled is able to use jokes, sarcasm
讽刺检测 Sarcasm Detection AniSkywalker/SarcasmDetection,基于神经网络的讽刺检测。 24.
数据集 Twitters反讽数据集构建自Twitter平台,其从Twitter上收集包含图片和一些特定话题标签(例如#sarcasm,等等)的英语推文,将其作为正例,并收集带有图片但没有此类标签的英语推文...national conference on artificial intelligence, 2019: 371-378. [3] Cai Y, Cai H, Wan X, et al.Multi-Modal Sarcasm...Towards Multimodal Sarcasm Detection (An _Obviously_Perfect Paper).
(Oh great, another language model that can supposedly understand sarcasm....((Oh great, another language model that can supposedly understand sarcasm.
id=7QfLW-XZTl 代码链接: https://github.com/guanjq/confopt_official 三 论文题目: Sentiment and Sarcasm Classification
四、性能展示 五、实现过程 在下载附件并准备好数据集并调试代码后,进行下面的步骤,附件已经调通并修改,可直接正常运行; 数据集准备 附件中 data/sarcasm_data.json是已经标记好的讽刺标签
他们会从社交媒体上提取数据,收集所有标有#sarcasm或/s的帖子(后者是Reddit用户用来表示他们在反讽的一种简写)。 接下来的重点并不是教AI识别帖子的表面含义和背后的阴阳怪气。
millions of emoji occurrences to learn any-domain representations for detecting sentiment, emotion and sarcasm
to the gold standard of humans and state-of-the-art transformer models on this challenging task. 【2】 Sarcasm...摘要:Sarcasm is the use of words usually used to either mock or annoy someone, or for humorous purposes...Sarcasm is largely used in social networks and microblogging websites, where people mock or censure in...Several studies on sarcasm detection have utilized different learning algorithms....In this paper, we propose a contextual model for sarcasm identification in twitter using RoBERTa, and
(padded) 9.3 项目实战——讽刺数据集的词条化和序列化 # https://storage.googleapis.com/laurencemoroney-blog.appspot.com/sarcasm.json...import json with open("/home/zzr/data/sarcasm.json", 'r') as f: datastore = json.load(f)
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