If you use rails, then you should know how to use RSpec to test your rails app....I use a simple case to practice basic RSpec....#if you use mac, make sure `gem install rb-fsevent` gem 'guard-rspec' gem 'launchy' # open browser...Also, if you use capybara, make sure require "capybara/rspec" is included in your spec/spec_helper.rb...Create a new file called user_spec.rb(make sure '_spec' is included to be detected by RSpec). require
如何使用本书 通过本书,您将分三个阶段学习RSpec 3: •第一部分:介绍练习,让您熟悉RSpec •第二部分:跨越几个章节的工作示例,以便您可以在一个有意义的大小项目中看到RSpec •第III-V...部分:RSpec特定方面的一系列深入研究,将帮助您充分利用RSpec 我们把这本书写成封面阅读封面。...作为一个测试框架,RSpec非常适合BDD工作流程。 RSpec帮助您“正确理解”并准确指出您在测试中的意思。...但是,RSpec和BDD不是同义词。 您不必练习BDD来使用RSpec,也不必使用RSpec来练习BDD。 BDD的大部分都超出了RSpec的范围; 例如,我们不会在本书中谈论利益相关者的参与。...://pragprog.com/book/rspec3/effective-testing-with-rspec-3 6. https://github.com/rspec-3-book 有关RSpec
Early praise for Effective Testing with RSpec 3 Ruby embraces the old Lisp idea that you should “build...up a language” to address your problem, and RSpec carries this approach into the world of testing....But RSpec is a big toolbox, and in order to harness its full power you need a guide....He is an expert on testing practices and getting the most out of the RSpec suite....for many years on the RSpec core team, I’m very pleased to see Effective Testing with RSpec 3.
欢迎来到RSpec! 在本书的这一部分中,你将在编写前几个工作测试时熟悉该框架。 首先,你将安装RSpec并编写你的前几个specs - RSpec的测试术语。...第1章 RSpec入门 RSpec 3是一个高效的Ruby测试框架。...要安装所有RSpec,只需安装rspec gem: $ gem install rspec -v 3.6.0 Successfully installed rspec-support-3.6.0...rspec-expectations-3.6.0 Successfully installed rspec-mocks-3.6.0 Successfully installed rspec-3.6.0...既然RSpec在您的系统上,我们快速检查以确保它已准备就绪: $ rspec --version RSpec 3.6 - rspec-core 3.6.0 - rspec-expectations
如下案例 .tests: script: rake test stage: test only: refs: - branches rspec: extends:....tests script: rake rspec only: variables: - $RSPEC 任务rspec 继承了.tests任务,在流水线中.tests是一个隐藏的任务...被rspec继承后,相同的key会以rspec为准,rspec没有的,而.tests有的,则合并到rspec中, 合并后的结果是 rspec: script: rake rspec stage...: test only: refs: - branches variables: - $RSPEC 使用这一个手段,可以写一个模板,只要稍微改改就能后使用。...项目这个是一个多项目流水线 rspec: stage: test script: bundle exec rspec staging: stage: deploy trigger: my
max_old_space_size=3584 GIT_DEPTH: "20" GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: "none" GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS: "3" KNAPSACK_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH...: knapsack/report-master.json FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec_flaky/report-suite.json RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_PATH...: crystalball/mapping.json RSPEC_PACKED_TESTS_MAPPING_PATH: crystalball/packed-mapping.json ES_JAVA_OPTS...BUILD_ASSETS_IMAGE: "true" # Set it to "false" to disable assets image building, used in `build-assets-image` RSPEC_FAIL_FAST_ENABLED...: "true" # Set it to "false" to disable RSpec fail-fast SIMPLECOV: "true" # Preparing custom clone
在这里定义了全局的cache,如果文件发生变化则值为 rspec-xxx111111111222222 ,未发生变化为rspec-default。...cache: key: files: - Gemfile.lock prefix: ${CI_JOB_NAME} paths: - vendor/ruby rspec...: script: - bundle exec rspec 例如,添加$CI_JOB_NAME prefix将使密钥看起来像:rspec-feef9576d21ee9b6a32e30c5c79d0a0ceb68d1e5...如果Gemfile.lock未发生变化 ,则将前缀添加default ,因此示例中的键为rspec-default 。...cache: key: gems paths: - vendor/bundle script: - bundle install --deployment rspec
Example: .tests: script: rake test stage: test only: refs: - branches rspec: extends...: .tests script: rake rspec only: variables: - $RSPEC Result: rspec: script: rake rspec...stage: test only: refs: - branches variables: - $RSPEC 以上是官方给的例子:tests作为模板,...rspec去继承它,如果二者都有相同的key,则使用子类的value覆盖父类。
awesome-project/raw/master/.gitlab-ci-template.yml' ---- extends 继承模板作业 stages: - test variables: RSPEC...branches testjob: extends: .tests script: echo "mvn clean test" only: variables: - $RSPEC...合并后 testjob: stage: test script: mvn clean test only: variables: - $RSPEC refs:...- master include: local: 'ci/localci.yml' stages: - test - build - deploy variables: RSPEC...branches testjob: extends: .tests script: echo "mvn clean test" only: variables: - $RSPEC
使用文件名模式( junit: rspec-*.xml ),文件名数组( junit: [rspec-1.xml, rspec-2.xml, rspec-3.xml] )或其组合( junit: [rspec.xml
2.6使用该ruby:2.6图像的作业以外的所有作业的默认图像: default: image: ruby:2.5 rspec: script: bundle exec rspec rspec...: extends: .tests script: rake rspec only: variables: - $RSPEC 在上面的示例中,该rspec作业继承自.tests...这将导致以下rspec工作: rspec: script: rake rspec stage: test only: refs: - branches variables...以下示例具有两个继承级别: .tests: only: - pushes .rspec: extends: .tests script: rake rspec rspec 1:...variables: RSPEC_SUITE: '1' extends: .rspec rspec 2: variables: RSPEC_SUITE: '2' extends
rvm的global gemset中去,这样就可以在多个project使用spring 安装命令非常简单: gem install spring ###使用 执行测试的命令也非常简单: spring rspec...###已知问题 把 require 'rspec/autorun'从spec_helper中删掉,否则,spec会被执行两次,而且第二次会由于找不到url helper method而失败。...Failure/Error: visit posts_path NameError: undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for #<RSpec
on Rails API Screencast Rails Casts, excellent rails screencast by Ryan Guide Land Rails Dream Job Rspec...Documentation How I learned to test my Rails applications Railscasts RSpec-Rails saasbook/bdd-tdd-cycle
0.4.0) login_generator(1.2.2) 邮件(2.2.19) 哑剧类型(1.16) 最小测试(1.6.0) 蒙哥(1.3.1) 蒙古包(2.0.2) mongoid-rspec...0.6.14) rack-openid(1.3.1) 机架测试(0.5.7) 导轨(3.0.7) (3.0.7) 耙(0.9.0,0.8.7) rdoc(2.5.8) 其余客户端(1.6.1) rspec...(2.6.0) rspec核心(2.6.2) rspec-期望(2.6.0) rspec-mocks(2.6.0) rspec-rails(2.6.0) 红宝石fcgi(0.8.9) 红宝石
which ruby - gem install bundler --no-document - bundle install --jobs $(nproc) "${FLAGS[@]}" rspec...: script: - bundle exec rspec rubocop: script: - bundle exec rubocop 这是对大多数Ruby应用都适用的简单配置...定义了两个任务 rspec和rubocop 分别会执行不同的脚本 在每次任务执行之前,定义的before_script脚本都会先被执行 .gitlab-ci.yml可以设置一些任务,限定他们以什么顺序
: section: default: image: ruby:2.5 rspec: script: bundle exec rspec rspec 2.6: image: ruby:2.6...: extends: .tests script: rake rspec only: variables: - $RSPEC The result is this rspec...job: rspec: script: rake rspec stage: test only: refs: - branches variables:....tests script: rake rspec rspec 1: variables: RSPEC_SUITE: '1' extends: .rspec rspec 2:...variables: RSPEC_SUITE: '2' extends: .rspec spinach: extends: .tests script: rake spinach
/opt/logstash/bin/ ├── logstash ├── logstash.bat ├── logstash.lib.sh ├── plugin ├── plugin.bat ├── rspec...├── rspec.bat └── setup.bat 0 directories, 8 files [root@h102 ~]#
本文是第四篇,主要是使用rspec对目前实现的功能进行测试并解决测试出现BUG Part 4 我们的第一个测试(和BUG) 我们已经获得插入数据到数据库并打印所有数据的能力。...我使用rspec来写我的测试,因为我对rspec很熟悉,它的语法也相当易读。...并确保能通过测试: bundle exec rspec ....= run_script(script) expect(result[-2]).to eq('db > Error: Table full.') end 再次运行测试: bundle exec rspec...bundle exec rspec ....
RubyMine 2023.1 包含 Rails 7 和 Ruby 3.2 支持、新 UI 更新、更快的代码补全、更少的内存消耗、WSL 上改进的 gem 同步、更便捷的导航、在 RSpec 中使用共享上下文和示例的功能...集成测试框架:RubyMine集成了多种测试框架,如RSpec、Cucumber等,方便用户进行单元测试和功能测试。
Kahlan是一个功能完备的单元和行为驱动开发(BDD)测试框架,它借鉴了RSpec和JSpec的设计理念,引入了一种全新的describe-it语法,让PHP的测试更加直观和高效。...技术分析 Kahlan提供了一系列强大的特性,包括: RSpec/JSpec风格的语法:使测试代码更简洁易读。 内置代码覆盖率工具:支持phpdbg或Xdebug进行覆盖率统计。
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